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Авторские книги (3):

Мир-Цирк. Город Барабу. Песнь слона
2002 г.
Враг мой
2002 г.
Божественная шкатулка
2002 г.

Антологии и сборники (1):

Судьбы наших детей
1986 г.

Периодика (2):

Если № 10, октябрь 1996
1996 г.
Если № 3, март 1997
1997 г.

Самиздат и фэнзины (2):

2019 г.
Если немного помечтать... Собаки, кошки, попугаи и другие
2030 г.

Прочие издания (1):

Искусство в воображаемом будущем
2017 г.

Издания на иностранных языках (88):

Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, November-December 1978
1978 г.
Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, July 1979
1979 г.
Asimov's SF Adventure Magazine, Fall 1979
1979 г.
Asimov's SF Adventure Magazine, Spring 1979
1979 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Anthology, Volume 2
1979 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, January 1979
1979 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, February 1979
1979 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, March 1979
1979 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, May 1979
1979 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, July 1979
1979 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, August 1979
1979 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, September 1979
1979 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, October 1979
1979 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, November 1979
1979 г.
Isaac Asimov's Marvels of Science Fiction
1979 г.
Teaching Science Fiction: Education for Tomorrow
1980 г.
City of Baraboo
1980 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Anthology, Volume 4
1980 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Anthology, Volume 3
1980 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, January 1980
1980 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, March 1980
1980 г.
Manifest Destiny
1980 г.
Isaac Asimov's Adventures of Science Fiction
1980 г.
The Best Science Fiction Novellas of the Year #2
1980 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, November 1980
1980 г.
Isaac Asimov's Worlds of Science Fiction
1980 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, December 1980
1980 г.
Nebula Winners Fifteen
1981 г.
On Writing Science Fiction
1981 г.
Circus World
1981 г.
Circus World
1981 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, April 13, 1981
1981 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, June 8, 1981
1981 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, August 3, 1981
1981 г.
Isaac Asimov's Near Futures and Far
1981 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Anthology, Volume 5
1982 г.
Isaac Asimov's Wonders of the World
1982 г.
Le cirque de Baraboo
1982 г.
Isaac Asimov's Wonders of the World
1982 г.
Analog 2
1982 г.
Isaac Asimov's Wonders of the World
1983 г.
The Tomorrow Testament
1983 г.
It Came From Schenectady
1984 г.
13 Short Science Fiction Novels
1985 г.
Mercenaries of Tomorrow
1985 г.
The Mammoth Book of Short Science Fiction Novels
1986 г.
The Hugo Winners, Volume 5: 1980-1982
1986 г.
101 Science Fiction Stories
1986 г.
Isaac Asimov präsentiert: Die Wunder der Welt
1986 г.
Science Fiction Masterpieces
1986 г.
Sea of Glass
1987 г.
Tales from the Spaceport Bar
1987 г.
The Fifth Omni Book of Science Fiction
1987 г.
Space Shuttles
1987 г.
Spaceships & Spells
1987 г.
Navi spaziali
1988 г.
Tales from the Spaceport Bar
1988 г.
Naked Came the Robot
1988 г.
The God Box
1989 г.
The Homecoming
1989 г.
Infinity Hold
1989 г.
Isaac Asimov's Wonders of the World
1990 г.
Why I Left Harry's All Night Hamburgers and Other Stories from Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine
1990 г.
The Super Hugos
1992 г.
The Giant Book of Science Fiction Stories
1992 г.
Aliens and UFO's: Extraterrestrial Tales from Asimov's Science Fiction and Analog Science Fiction and Fact
1993 г.
Return to the Twilight Zone
1994 г.
Nebula Award-Winning Novellas
1994 г.
The Change
1994 г.
Slag Like Me
1994 г.
Reel Future
1994 г.
Nebula Award-Winning Novellas
1996 г.
100 Astounding Little Alien Stories
1996 г.
Dancing with the Dark
1997 г.
The Enemy Papers
1998 г.
The Reel Stuff
1998 г.
Dancing with the Dark: True Encounters With the Paranormal By Masters of the Macabre
1999 г.
On Writing Science Fiction
1999 г.
Catfantastic V
1999 г.
Future Wars
2003 г.
2004 г.
Asimov's Science Fiction, April-May 2008
2008 г.
The Reel Stuff
2008 г.
Asimov's Science Fiction, April-May 2010
2010 г.
Jaggers & Shad: ABC is for Artificial Beings Crimes
2011 г.
Dark Corners
2011 г.
Fantastic Stories of the Imagination
2012 г.
Circus: Fantasy Under the Big Top
2012 г.

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