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Дина Лампитт «The Anklets»

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The Anklets

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Alison Pope is the daughter of famous archaeologist Edgar Pope. After finishing her degree, she follows her adventurous spirit, and joins her father on all his digs. His latest excavation will take them to stunning Knidos in Turkey, where the resting place of a legendary Greek statue of Aphrodite is said to be.

Preparing to leave, they bring together a spirited cohort of enthusiastic archaeologists to assist them, but Alison is troubled by one of the members: the young epigrapher, Doctor Julian Grant. Immediately charmed by his good looks, Alison is disappointed to find out that he's married. Yet even when she tries to put her crush aside in the name of professionalism, there's something about him that just doesn't quite sit right.

Then, one sleepless night, she decides to watch her father's latest recording of the excavation site. But it isn't just dusty ground and tools: there's something else on the site, too. Someone: a man in a toga and, beside him, a mysterious, alluring woman...

Why is it that no one else can see these figures? And why do they keep haunting Alison?

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— сборник «Lovers Lost in Time», 2018 г.


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