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Дина Лампитт «The Gemini Syndrome»

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The Gemini Syndrome

Рассказ, год


Elizabeth Lacey was a beautiful and successful photographer, but ever since she had taken her first pictures at the age of ten she had been involved in a mystery.

Locked away in a drawer in her darkroom are a series of strange photographs on which two ghostly boys appear. The photographs had been taken at different stages throughout her career, and the boys were always shadowy, but they were growing bigger and older. Elizabeth has never told anyone about the photographs, but when he lover Nigel accidentally discovers them, he urges her to put them on display. Of course, she refuses. Without knowing quite why, Elizabeth insists on keeping them secret.

She must keep Nigel a secret too – he’s married to another woman. Although he has sworn his love for Elizabeth, he shows no signs of leaving Felicity. Spending an idyllic weekend with him, she’s able to forget her relationship woes – until the pictures are developed. There, on one of the photographs, are the two little boys watching Nigel with a faintly menacing air.

Who are they? And what do they want with her?

Входит в:

— сборник «Lovers Lost in Time», 2018 г.


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