Nightmare Issue 36 ...

«Nightmare, Issue 36, September 2015»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


Nightmare, Issue 36, September 2015

электронное издание

Язык издания: английский

2015 г. (сентябрь)


Cover Art by Lauren K. Cannon.


  1. From the Editor
    1. John Joseph Adams. Editorial, September 2015
  2. Fiction
    1. Vajra Chandrasekera. The Sill and the Dike (рассказ)
    2. Richard Christian Matheson. Third Wind (рассказ)
    3. Gwendolyn Kiste. Ten Things to Know About the Ten Questions (рассказ)
    4. Reggie Oliver. The Skins (рассказ)
  3. Nonfiction
    1. Nancy Holder. The H Word: H is for Haunted Houses (статья)
    2. Artist Gallery
    3. Marina J. Lostetter. Artist Spotlight: Lauren K. Cannon (интервью)
    4. Lisa Morton. Interview: Dapper Cadaver (интервью)
  4. Author Spotlights
    1. Lisa Nohealani Morton, Vajra Chandrasekera. Author Spotlight: Vajra Chandrasekera (интервью)
    2. Sandra Odell, Richard Christian Matheson. Author Spotlight: Richard Christian Matheson (интервью)
    3. Kevin McNeil, Gwendolyn Kiste. Author Spotlight: Gwendolyn Kiste (интервью)
    4. Jude Griffin, Reggie Oliver. Author Spotlight: Reggie Oliver (интервью)
  5. Miscellany
    1. Coming Attractions
    2. Stay Connected
    3. Subscriptions & Ebooks
    4. About the Nightmare Team

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