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 English forum on > Your favorite quotes in English > к сообщению

Отправлено 7 апреля 2012 г. 11:03
Of one other I must speak, one dragged into that conflict and intrigue only by his loyalty to me. To the end of my days, I will bear the scars he gave me. His worn teeth sank deeply into my hand several times before he managed to drag me from that pool. How he did it, I wil never know. But his head still rested on my chest when they found us; his mortal bonds to this world had broken. Nosy was dead. I believe he gave his life freely, recalling that we had been good to one another when we were puppies. Men cannot grieve as dogs do. But we grieve for many years. — Robin Hobb, Assassin's apprentice
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 English forum on > Your favorite quotes in English > к сообщению

Отправлено 6 марта 2012 г. 16:28
“Once you've got a task to do, it's better to do it than live with the fear of it”. ― Joe Abercrombie
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