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Дина Лампитт «Death in the Dark Walk»

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Death in the Dark Walk

Роман, год; цикл «A John Rawlings Mystery»


Introducing John Rawlings, a young man newly out of his apprenticeship. Having finished his indentures, Rawlings is celebrating at Vaux Hall Pleasure Gardens when he trips over the body of a young girl.

Summoned to the magistrate's office as prime suspect, Rawlings not only clears his own name but impresses the blind magistrate, John Fielding so much with his powers of recollection that he is asked to investigate the crime.

From gaming hell to fashionable house, Rawlings follows a trail of lustful liaisons and illicit intrigue which prove beyond a shadow of doubt that the girl has quite a past — a past filled with threatening secrets.


Под псевдонимом Deryn Lake.

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