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Издания: ВСЕ (39)

Антологии и сборники (1):

1994 г.

Издания на иностранных языках (38):

The Year's Best Horror Stories: Series XIV
1986 г.
The Year's Best Horror Stories: XV
1987 г.
The Year's Best Horror Stories: XVI
1988 г.
The Year’s Best Horror Stories XVII
1989 г.
The 1989 Rhysling Anthology
1989 г.
The Year’s Best Horror Stories XVIII
1990 г.
Splatterpunks: Extreme Horror
1990 г.
Cemetery Dance, Issue #3, Winter
1990 г.
Cemetery Dance, Issue #5, Summer
1990 г.
Borderlands 2
1991 г.
Borderlands 2
1991 г.
Cemetery Dance, Issue #9, Summer
1991 г.
Nightmares on Elm Street: Freddy Krueger's Seven Sweetest Dreams
1991 г.
The Year’s Best Horror Stories XIX
1991 г.
The Holy Terror
1992 г.
For You, the Living
1992 г.
Dracula: Prince of Darkness
1992 г.
The Year's Best Horror Stories: XX
1992 г.
The Year’s Best Horror Stories XXI
1993 г.
Cemetery Dance, Issue #15, Winter
1993 г.
The King is Dead: Tales of Elvis Postmortem
1994 г.
The Year’s Best Horror Stories XXII
1994 г.
Borderlands 2
1994 г.
Murder for Father
1994 г.
Love in Vein
1995 г.
Splatterpunks II: Over the Edge
1995 г.
Vampire Detectives
1995 г.
More Phobias: Stories of Unparalleled Paranoia
1995 г.
100 Vicious Little Vampire Stories
1995 г.
It Came from the Drive-In
1996 г.
Best of Cemetery Dance
1998 г.
Horrors! 365 Scary Stories
1998 г.
Crafty Cat Crimes: 100 Tiny Cat Tale Mysteries
2000 г.
Best of Cemetery Dance, Volume 2
2001 г.
It Came from the Drive-In
2004 г.
Shivers VI
2010 г.
Necro Files: Two Decades of Extreme Horror
2011 г.
Proactive Contrition: A Meta-Memoir
2013 г.

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