The Cambridge Ancient ...

«The Cambridge Ancient History. Volume I. Part 1. Prolegomena and Prehistory»

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The Cambridge Ancient History. Volume I. Part 1. Prolegomena and Prehistory

Язык издания: английский

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970 г.

Серия: The Cambridge Ancient History

ISBN: 978-0-521-07051-5

Тип обложки: твёрдая + суперобложка

Страниц: 780


Первая часть коллективной монографии.


  1. Contents, p. V-XII
  2. List of Maps, p. XIII
  3. List of Tables, p. XV
  4. List of Text-figures, p. XVII-XVIII
  5. I.E.S. Edwards, C.J. Gadd, N.G.L. Hammond. Preface, p. XIX-XXII
  6. Prolegomena and Prehistory
    1. D.L. Linton, F. Moseley. Chapter I. The Geological Ages, p. 1-34
    2. K.W. Butzer. Chapter II. Physical Conditions in Eastern Europe, Western Asia and Egypt before the period of agricultural and urban settlement, p. 35-69
    3. Chapter III. Primitive man in Egypt, Western Asia and Europe
      1. Dorothy A.E. Garrod. In palaeolithic times, p. 70-89
      2. J.G.D. Clark. In mesolithic times, p. 90-121
    4. W.F. Albright, T.O. Lambdin. Chapter IV. The evidence of language, p. 122-155
    5. D.R. Hughes, D.R. Brothwell. Chapter V. The earliest populations of man in Europe, Western Asia and Northern Africa, p. 156-172
    6. Chapter VI. Chronology
      1. William C. Hayes. I. Egypt — to the end of the Twentieth dynasty, p. 173-192
      2. M.B. Rowton. II. Ancient Western Asia, p. 193-238
      3. Frank H. Stubbings. III. The Aegean Bronze Age, p. 239-247
      4. J. Mellaart. Chapter VII
        1. (a). The earliest settlements in Western Asia from the ninth to the end of the fifth millennium B.C., p. 248-303
        2. (b). Anatolia before 4000 B.C., p. 304-326
      5. Max E. L. Mallowan. Chapter VIII. The development of cities from Al-'Ubaid to the end of Uruk 5, p. 327-462
      6. Chapter IX
        1. Elise J. Baumgartel. (a). Predynastic Egypt, p. 463-498
        2. R. De Vaux. (b). Palestine During the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods, p. 499-538
        3. H.W. Catling. (e). Cyprus in the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods, p. 539-556
      7. S.S. Weinberg. Chapter X. The Stone Age in the Aegean, p. 557-618
      8. Bibliographies, p. 619-672
      9. Index to Maps, p. 673
      10. General Index, p. 679


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