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Месье Вивенэ «A Journey Lately Performed Through the Air, in an Aerostatic Globe, Commonly Called an Air Baloon, from This Terraquaeous Globe to the Newly Discovered Planet, Georgium Sidus»

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A Journey Lately Performed Through the Air, in an Aerostatic Globe, Commonly Called an Air Baloon, from This Terraquaeous Globe to the Newly Discovered Planet, Georgium Sidus

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С этим произведением связаны термины:

Входит в:

— антологию «The Man in the Moone and Other Lunar Fantasies», 1971 г.

Издания: ВСЕ (2)

Издания на иностранных языках:

The Man in the Moone and Other Lunar Fantasies
1971 г.
The Man in the Moone: An Anthology of Antique Science Fiction and Fantasy
1971 г.


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