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Роберт Уильямс Вуд «How to Tell the Birds from the Flowers and Other Wood-Cuts: A Revised Manual of Flornithology for Beginners»

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How to Tell the Birds from the Flowers and Other Wood-Cuts: A Revised Manual of Flornithology for Beginners

Сборник, год


- Intro-duc-tion

- The Burr. The Bird

- The Crow. The Crocus

- The Plover. The Glover

- Ole Gander. Oleander

- The Hen. The Lichen

- The Pelican. The Panicle

- The Pea. The Pewee

- The Parrot. The Carrot

- The Rue. The Rooster

- The Hawk. The Hollyhock

- The Pecan. The Toucan

- The Cat-bird. The Cat-nip

- The Quail. The Kale

- The Auk. The Orchid

- The Cow-bird. The Cowslip

- The Butter-ball. The Buttercup

- The Roc. The Shamrock

- A Sparrer. Asparagus

- The Blue Mountain Lory. The Blue Morning Glory

- The Tern. The Turnip

- The Larks. The Larkspur

- Gross Bill. Sweet William

- The Ibis. The 'Ibiscus

- The Pipe. The Snipe

- The Bay. The Jay

- The Gent-ian. The Lady-bird

- Puffing. Nuffing

- Bee. Beet. Beetle

- The Bunny. The Tunny

- The Puss. The Octopus

- The Eel. The Eelephant

- The Ant. The Pheasant

- The Hare. The Harrier

- The Pen-guin. The Sword-fish

- The Gnu. The Newt

- The Ray. The Raven

- The Ape. The Grape

- The Doe. The Dodo

- The Pipe-fish. The Sea-gar

- The Elk. The Whelk

- The P-cock. The Q-cumber

- The Sloe. The Sloth

- The Cow. The Cowry

- The Antelope. The Gantelope

- The Pansy. The Chim-pansy

- Naught. Nautilus


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