Издательство Margaret K ...

Издательство «Margaret K. McElderry Books»

Год открытия: 1972

New York

Всего изданий:


Внесерийные издания

A Cruel and Fated Light

2022 год

Описание: Book 2 in the «Hollow Star Saga» series.
Cover art by Mélanie Delon.

A Dark and Hollow Star

2021 год

Описание: Book 1 in the «Hollow Star Saga» series.

A Door in the Dark

2023 год

Описание: Book 1 in the «Waxways» series.

A Festival of Ghosts

2018 год

Описание: Book 2 in "A Properly Unhaunted Place" series.
Cover art and interior artworks by Kelly Murphy.

A Properly Unhaunted Place

2017 год

Описание: Book 1 in "A Properly Unhaunted Place" series.
Cover art and interior artworks by Kelly Murphy.

A Properly Unhaunted Place

2018 год

Описание: Book 1 in "A Properly Unhaunted Place" series.
Cover art and interior artworks by Kelly Murphy.

A Squash and A Squeeze

1993 год

Описание: Cover art and interior art by Axel Scheffler.


2014 год

Описание: Book 1 in the "Gabe Fuentes" seris.
Cover art by Owen Richardson.

Blood Like Fate

2022 год

Описание: Book 2 in the «Blood Like Magic» series.

Blood Like Magic

2021 год

Описание: Book 1 in the «Blood Like Magic» series.

Blood Red Road

2011 год

Описание: Book 1 in the «Dustlands» series.

Blood Red Road

2012 год

Описание: Book 1 in the «Dustlands» series.


2023 год

Описание: Book 1 in the «House of the Dead Duology».
Cover art by Tommy Arnold.

Chain of Iron

2021 год

Описание: Book 2 in «The Last Hours» subseries of the «Shadowhunters» series.

Chain of Iron

2023 год

Описание: Book 2 in "The Last Hours" subseries of the "Shadowhunters" series.
Cover art by Cliff Nielsen.

Chain of Thorns

2023 год

Описание: Book 3 in «The Last Hours» subseries of the «Shadowhunters» series.
Cover art by Cliff Nielsen.

City of Heavenly Fire

2014 год

Описание: Book 6 in the «Mortal Instruments» series.

City of Lost Souls

2012 год

Описание: Book 5 in the «Mortal Instruments» series.

Clockwork Angel

2019 год

Описание: Book 1 in "The Infernal Devices" subseries of the "Shadowhunters" series.

Clockwork Princess

2013 год

Описание: Book 3 in the «Infernal Devices» series.

Curious Tides

2023 год

Описание: Book 1 in «The Drowned Gods» duology.

Foul Heart Huntsman

2023 год

Описание: Book 2 in the «Foul Lady Fortune» series.

Foul Lady Fortune

2022 год

Описание: Book 1 in the «Foul Lady Fortune» series.


2002 год


2024 год

Описание: Book 2 in the «House of the Dead Duology».
Cover art by Tommy Arnold.

Ghoulish Song

2013 год

Описание: Book 2 in the "Goblin Secrets" series

Green Boy

2002 год

Описание: Cover art by Greg Call.


1974 год

Описание: Book 3 in «The Dark Is Rising» series.
Cover art by Michael Heslop.


2010 год

Описание: Book 3 in «The Dark Is Rising» series.


2023 год

Описание: Book 3 in «The Dark Is Rising» series.

Hither & Nigh

2022 год

Описание: Book 1 in the "Hither & Nigh" series.
Cover art by Jennifer Bricking.
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