Журнал Science Fiction

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Журнал Science Fiction Studies (1973-1980)

Статья написана 24 июня 2018 г. 15:38

Science Fiction Studies (исследования по НФ) — англоязычный научный журнал, публикующий статьи и книжные обзоры научной фантастики, а также фэнтези и хоррора, если тема охватывает и некоторые аспекты НФ. Выходит с 1973 года, три раза в год.

SFS является наиболее авторитетным научным журналом в данной области и публикует материалы не только об англоязычной фантастике, но также литературе этого жанра на постсоветском пространстве и в странах Европы (Франция, Испания, Италия, Германия), Азии (Япония, Китай, Индия) и Латинской Америки.

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Периодически выходят тематические выпуски SFS: «НФ Филипа К. Дика», «НФ Урсулы К. Ле Гуин», «НФ до Уэллса», «Социология НФ», «НФ и непечатные медиа», «Утопия и антиутопия», «НФ Олафа Стэплдона», «НФ XIX века», «Внелитературные формы НФ», «До 1984 и далее», «Ядерная война и НФ», «Станислав Лем», «Критические подходы к НФ», «НФ-фильмы», «Филип К.Дик», «НФ во Франции», «Женская НФ», «НФ и постмодернизм», «Станислав Лем», «О твёрдой НФ», «НФ в Academe», «О Star Trek», «О НФ и квир-теории», «История критики НФ», «О глобальной НФ» (два выпуска), «Японская НФ», «Социальная НФ», «Британский бум в НФ», «Советская НФ», «Столетие Жюль Верна», «Технокультура и НФ», «О латиноамериканской НФ», «О животных и НФ», «О прото- и ранней НФ», «НФ и сексуальность», «Симпозиум 2009 SFS: история НФ», «Октавия Батлер + Симпозиум 2010 SFS: зоология и НФ», «Слипстрим», «Симпозиум 2011 SFS: сингулярность», «НФ и глобализация», «Китайская НФ», «Summa Technologiae Станислава Лема», «Симпозиум 2013 SFS: медиа(ции)», «Итальянская НФ», «Цифровая НФ», «Индийская НФ», «Испанская НФ».

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Содержание номеров журнала (1973-1980):

#ТомВыпускДатаАвтор(ы)Название статьиСтраница
#1Volume 1Part 1Spring 1973David N. SamuelsonClarke's Childhood's End: A Median Stage of Adolescence?4
    Patrick ParrinderImagining the Future: Zamyatin and Wells17
    Stanislaw LemOn the Structural Analysis of Science Fiction26
    Marc AngenotJules Verne and French Literary Criticism33
    Robert M. PhilmusThe Shape of Science Fiction: Through the Historical Looking Glass37
    Ursula K. Le GuinOn Norman Spinrad's The Iron Dream41
    A, B, and CThe Significant Context of SF: A Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation (Transcribed and edited by Darko Suvin)44
#2Volume 1Part 2Fall 1973Fredric JamesonGeneric Discontinuities in SF: Brian Aldiss' Starship57
    Robert PlankQuixote's Mills: The Man-Machine Encounter in SF68
    Stanislaw LemRemarks Occasioned by Dr. Plank's Essay «Quixote's Mills»78
    Franz Rottensteiner, James Blish, Ursula K. Le Guin, H. Bruce Franklin, and Chandler DavisChange, SF, and Marxism: Open or Closed Universes?84
    Franz RottensteinerPlaying Around with Creation: Philip Jose Farmer94
    David Y. Hughes and Robert M. PhilmusThe Early Science Journalism of H.G. Wells: A Chronological Survey98
    R.D. MullenThe Books and Principal Pamphlets of H.G. Wells: A Chronological Survey114
     Notes by Several Hands135
#3Volume 1Part 3Spring 1974Stanislaw LemThe Time-Travel Story and Related Matters of SF Structuring143
    John HuntingtonThe Unity of Childhood's End154
    Douglas BarbourWholeness and Balance in the Hainish Novels of Ursula K. Le Guin164
    Peter FittingSF Criticism in France173
    Ursula K. Le GuinEuropean SF: Rottensteiner's Anthology, the Strugatskys, and Lem181
    Manfred NaglSF, Occult Sciences, and Nazi Myths185
    David KettererThe SF Element in the Work of Poe: A Chronological Survey197
    Robert ScholesChange, SF, and Marxism: Open or Closed Universes?213
    Robert M. PhilmusA Dialogue Between Ideaphilos and Philologos214
     Notes, Reports, and Correspondence 
     Ravmond Williams and SF (DS)216
     Ketterer on SF as Apocalyptic Literature (S.C. Fredericks)217
     A Reaction to SFS #2 (Damon Knight)219
     Bretnor Returns (Charles Nicol)220
     H.G. Wells and Earlier SF (DS)221
     An Index to American Mass-Market Paperbacks (RDM)222
     A Special SF Issue (RDM)223
     Some Contemporary Material on Frankenstein (RDM)223
     A Correction (RDM)223
#4Volume 1Part 4Fall 1974Stanislaw LemTodorov's Fantastic Theory of Literature227
    Robert M. PhilmusWells and Borges and the Labyrinths of Time237
    Robert H. CanaryUtopian and Fantastic Dualities in Robert Graves's Watch the North Wind Rise248
    Darko SuvinRadical Rhapsody and Romantic Recoil in the Age of Anticipation: A Chapter in the History of SF255
     Change, SF, and Marxism: Open or Closed Universes?269
    Mack ReynoldsWhat Do You Mean-Marxism?270
    Franz RottensteinerIn Rebuttal271
    Fredric JamesonIn Retrospect272
     Some Critical Works on SF 
    Peter FittingTwo New Books from France276
    Franz RottensteinerSome German Writings on SF279
    Alice Carol GaarTwo New Books from Germany285
    Peter OhlinThe Dilemma of SF Film Criticism287
     Sunken Atlantis and the Utopia Question 
    C.R. La BossiereThe Scarlet Empire: Two Visions in One290
    R.D. MullenThe Sunken World: Also Two Visions in One292
    Curtis C. SmithThe Books of Olaf Stapledon: A Chronological Survey297
     Notes, Reports, and Correspondence 
     The Steam Man of the Prairies (RDM)300
     23 «Classics» of SF: The Hyperion Reprints (RDM)300
     A Response to Damon Knight (Franz Rottensteiner)305
     Wells, Verne, and Science (Alex Eisenstein)305
     In Response to Mr. Eisenstein (DS)306
     Four Complaints (Joanna Russ)307
     In Response to Ms. Russ (RDM)308
     The Tuck Encyclopedia (RDM)309
     A C.S. Lewis Secondary Bibliography (RDM)309
     More Special Issues on Utopias (DS)309
     Arthur C. Clarke and All Those Awards (RDM)310
     SF Criticism in Romania (DS)310
     Among the Contributors to ##3-4 (RDM)310
     Index to Volume 1311
     Introductory Note.(DS)3
     The Manuscripts and Books of Philip K. Dick 
    Willis E. McNellyThe Manuscripts and Papers at Fullerton4
    R.D. MullenBooks, Stories, Essays5
    Darko SuvinP.K. Dick's Opus: Artifice as Refuge and World View (Introductory Reflections)8
    Philip K. DickForeword to The Preserving Machine22
    Carlo PagettiDick and Meta-SF24
    Fredric JamesonAfter Armageddon: Character Systems in Dr. Bloodmoney31
    Brian W. AldissDick's Maledictory Web: About and Around Martian Time-Slip42
    Peter FittingUbik: The Deconstruction of Bourgeois SF47
    Stanislaw LemPhilip K. Dick: A Visionary Among the Charlatans54
    Ian WatsonLe Guin's Lathe of Heaven and the Role of Dick: The False Reality as Mediator67
    Roy Arthur SwansonNabokov's Ada as Science Fiction76
     Notes, Reports, and Correspondence 
     Our Review Policy (RDM)89
     A Response to Dr Lem (Damon Knight)89
     The Great Futilitarian: De Camp's Biography of Lovecraft (RDM)89
     Much More Ado About Ada (Charles Nicol)91
     A CEA Chapbook on SF (RDM)92
     An Exhibition of SF Books and Magazines (Tim Mitchell)92
     SF in Psychology Textbooks (Harvey A. Katz)93
     SF in a Political-Science Textbook (Ursula K. Le Guin)93
     A Facsimile of the Wilkins Treatise (DS)94
     German Utopian Thought in the 20th Century (DS)95
     The Hyperion Reprints: Addenda (RDM)95
     The Arno Reprints (RDM)97
     The Avon-Equinox Reprints (RDM)97
     The «English Jules Verne» (Patrick Parrinder)98
     George Griffith: A Bibliography and Moskowitz Essay (RDM)98
     The Early Science Journalism of H.G. Wells: Addenda (David Y. Hughes and Robert M. Philmus)98
#6Volume 2Part 2July 1975Aija OzolinsDreams and Doctrines in Frankenstein103
    Joanna RussTowards an Aesthetic of Science Fiction112
    Peter BriggAnalogies of Scale in Macroscope119
     On David Ketterer's New Worlds for Old 
    Robert H. CanaryNew Worlds for Old?130
    S.C. FredericksA Unique Critical Method134
    Ursula K. Le GuinKetterer on The Left Hand of Darkness137
    David KettererIn Response139
    William W. MatterThe Utopian Tradition and Aldous Huxley146
    Edward BalcerzanLanguage and Ethics in Solaris152
    J.-P. VernierThe SF of J.H. Rosny the Elder156
    Boris EizykmanOn Science Fiction164
     On Lem on Todorov 
    Robert ScholesLem's Fantastic Attack on Todorov166
    Richard AstleLem's Misreading of Todorov167
    Stanislaw LemIn Response169
     SF Scholarship in Review 
    David N. SamuelsonScholes' Structural Fabulation171
    Scott SandersPatrouch's Study of Asimov172
    Brian W. AldissReginald's Contemporary SF Authors173
    Scott SandersSamuelson's Visions of Tomorrow174
    Fred ChappellMenville's Thesis on the SF film176
    Marjorie FerrySF: A View from the USSR176
    Darko SuvinOrwell Surveyed178
    R.D. MullenAn Important Bibliography178
    R.D. MullenThe Arno Reprints179
     Notes, Reports, and Correspondence 
     On the Eisenstein-Suvin Exchange: One (Arthur C. Clarke)195
     On the Eisenstein-Suvin Exchange: Two (Thomas Wm. Hamilton)196
     On the Eisenstein-Suvin Exchange: Three (RDM)196
     The Hyperion Reprints: Some Premonitions (Brian W. Aldiss)197
     SF and Pulp-Paper Publishing Practices (DS)197
     A Booklet on Cordwainer Smith (RDM)197
     The Earth Under the Martians (David Ketterer)198
     A Scholarly Edition of Peter Wilkins (RDM)198
     Irving's «Conquest by the Moon» (L.W. Michaelson)198
     Papers for the MMLA199
     Angenot on Paraliterature (DS)199
#7Volume 2Part 3November 1975 «THE SCIENCE FICTION OF URSULA K. LE GUIN
     Introductory Note (DS)203
    Jeff LevinUrsula K. Le Guin: A Select Bibliography204
    Ursula K. Le GuinAmerican SF and the Other208
    Refail NudelmanAn Approach to the Structure of Le Guin's SF210
    Fredric JamesonWorld Reduction in Le Guin: The Emergence of Utopian Narrative221
    Ian WatsonThe Forest as Metaphor for Mind: «The Word for World is Forest» and «Vaster Than Empires and More Slow»231
    John HuntingtonPublic and Private Imperatives in Le Guin's Novels237
    David L. PorterThe Politics of Le Guin's Opus243
    Douglas BarbourWholeness and Balance: An Addendum248
    Judah BiermanAmbiguity in Utopia: The Dispossessed249
    Donald F. TheallThe Art of Social-Science Fiction: The Ambiguous Utopian Dialectics of Ursula K. Le Guin256
    Darko SuvinParables of De-Alienation: Le Guin's Widdershins Dance265
     The Gregg Press Science Fiction Series (RDM)274
     The SF Writer as a Young Man (RDM)278
     The Garland Library of Science Fiction (RDM)280
     Rottensteiner's Illustrated History of SF (Patrick Parrinder)288
     Gift Books for Bradburians, Burroughsians, and All Fans (RDM)289
     Barnes on Linguistics in SF (Jack Williamson)291
     The SF Film: Metropolis and Things to Come (Fred Chappell)292
     Brian Ash's Faces of the Future (Patrick Parrinder)293
     Hall's Book-Review Index (RDM)294
     James Blish, 1921-1975 (DS)294
     A Book on Philip K. Dick; The NESFA Index (RDM)295
     A New Journal (Patrick Parrinder)296
     Moskowitz on P. Schuyler Miller (RDM)296
     A Special Issue of SFS on SF Before Wells? (DS, RDM)296
#8Volume 3Part 1March 1976David N. SamuelsonThe Lost Canticles of Walter M. Miller, Jr3
    Charles ElkinsAsimov's «Foundation» Novels: Historical Materialism Distorted into Cyclical Psycho-History26
    Robert PlankUrsula K. Le Guin and the Decline of Romantic Love36
    Ursula K. Le GuinA Response to the Le Guin Issue43
    Marc AngenotJules Verne and French Literary Criticism46
    S.C. FredericksLucian's True History as SF49
    Robert GalbreathIntroduction to the Ketterer Forum60
    David KettererScience Fiction and Allied Literature64
    Ralph WillettMoorcock's Achievement and Promise in the Jerry Cornelius Books75
    Gale E. ChristiansonKepler's Somnium: Science Fiction and the Renaissance Scientist79
     Books in Review 
     A Collection of Unreprinted Pieces by H.G. Wells (Mark R. Hillegas)91
     An Italian Symposium on SF (Carlo Pagetti)91
     Books Briefly Noted: A Symposium on John Brunner; a New Volume of Jack London Stories; Books on SF Illustrations by Del Rey, Frewin, and Aldiss; the Revision of the De Camp Handbook; the Early Long92
     Notes, Reports, and Correspondence 
     On the Le Guin Issue (Anthony Wolk)95
     Linguistics and SF (Walter E. Meyers)96
     On Le Guin's «American SF and the Other» (Alex Eisenstein)97
     In Response to Mr Eisenstein (Ursula K. Le Guin)98
     A Norwegian Time Journey (Bing & Bringsvaerd)98
     The Authorship of Symzonia (RDM)99
     Secondary Bibliographies (RDM)99
     A New Reprint Series from Hyperion99
     The Hall Index for 197499
     A Seminar on the Sociology of SF99
     Corrigenda in SFS #799
#9Volume 3Part 2July 1976Stephen H. GoldmanThe Polymorphic Worlds of John Brunner: How Do They Happen?103
    Michael SternFrom Technique to Critique: Knowledge and Human Interests in Brunner's Stand on Zanzibar, The Jagged Orbit, and The Sheep Look Up112
    Walter E. MeyersThe Future History and Development of the English Language130
    Albert I. BergerThe Triumph of Prophecy: Science Fiction and Nuclear Power in the Post-Hiroshima Period143
    Charles NicolBallard and the Limits of Mainstream SF150
    J. Max PatrickIconoclasm, the Complement of Utopianism157
    Alex EisensteinThe Time Machine and the End of Man161
    David Y. HughesBergonzi and After in the Criticism of Wells's SF165
    Nadia KhouriUtopia and Epic: Ideological Confrontation in Jack London's The Iron Heel174
    Darko Suvin and David DouglasJack London and His Science Fiction: A Select Bibliography181
    Aija OzolinsRecent Work on Mary Shelley and Frankenstein187
     Books in Review 
     Utopias Imagined and Attempted: Roemer and LeWarne (Arthur O. Lewis)202
     Fantasy Versus Science Fiction: Manlove's Modern Fantasy (RDM)205
     Chatty Memoirs: Hell's Cartographers and The Early Pohl (RDM)208
     Fans and Pros: Chauvin's A Multitude of Visions (RDM)209
     Notes, Reports, and Correspondence 
     Hypocrite lecteur!-mon semblable,-mon frere! (RDM)210
     On Wolk, Eisenstein, and Christianson in SFS #8 (DS)211
     In Response to Professor Suvin (Gale E. Christianson)213
     On the Age of the Term «Science Fiction» (Brian W. Aldiss)213
     Documents in the History of Science Fiction (RDM)214
     A New Bibliography of Wells (Patrick Parrinder)214
     Notes on various matters by various hands214-15
#10Volume 3Part 3November 1976 SCIENCE FICTION BEFORE WELLS 
    David WinstonIambulus' Islands of the Sun and Hellenistic Literary Utopias219
    Roy Arthur SwansonThe True, the False, and the Truly False: Lucian's Philosophical Science Fiction228
    Darko SuvinThe Alternate Islands: A Chapter in the History of SF. With a Bibliography on the SF of Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance239
    Christie V. McDonaldThe Reading and Writing of Utopia in Denis Diderot's Supplement au voyage de Bougainville248
    William B. FischerGerman Theories of Science Fiction: Jean Paul, Kurd Lasswitz, and After254
    Patrick ParrinderNews From Nowhere, The Time Machine, and the Break-Up of Classical Realism265
    Lyman Tower SargentThemes in Utopian Fiction in English Before Wells275
    George LockeWells in Three Volumes? A Sketch of British Publishing in the 19th Century282
     A Review and a Foreword by William Morris287
     Clareson's Voices and Slusser's Heinlein(S.C. Fredericks)291
     A Bibliography and 49 Reprints(R.D. Mullen)294
     The SF Reprint Series: Scholarship and Commercialism (Joe Sanders)305
     Essays on The Glass Bead Game / Magister Ludi (Franz Rottensteiner)310
     Every Critic His Own Aristotle (RDM)311
     Jules Verne by His Grandson (Charles Nicol)311
     Two Essays SFS Would Have Liked To Published (RDM)312
     That Early Coinage of «Science Fiction» (Sam Moskowitz)312
     That Little Earnest Book in Foundation (RDM)313
     SFS in Quarber Merkur (RDM)313
     Three Special Issues on Utopian Fiction (Marc Angenot)313
     Notes on Various Matters by Various Hands315
#11Volume 4Part 1March 1977Gerard KleinDiscontent in American Science Fiction3
    Scott SandersInvisible Men and Women: The Disappearance of Character in Science Fiction14
    Peter S. AltermanThe Surreal Translations of Samuel R. Delany25
    Russell LetsonThe Faces of a Thousand Heroes: Philip Jose Farmer35
    Martin BickmanLe Guin's The Left Hand of Darkness: Form and Content42
    Thomas J. RemingtonThree Reservations on the Structural Road48
    Gorman BeauchampThemes and Uses of Fictional Utopias: A Bibliography of Secondary Works in English55
    Ursula K. Le GuinA Review64
    Michael Kandel VLem in Review (June 2238)65
     Documents in the History of Science Fiction 
    Edward MaitlandOn and From By and By (1873)69
     Books in Review 
     The Craft is Not the Art: Bretnor's New Symposium (Brian W. Aldiss)71
     Irwin's Random Fantastic (S.C. Fredericks)75
     Pioneers and All: Moskowitz, Berger, Ash, and Rose's Critics (RDM)76
     Bulwer-Lytton's Fiction of New Regions (RDM)82
     The Great Martian Controversy (RDM)83
     World SF for the Russian Common Reader (Andrzej Zgorzelski)84
     Finding Le Guin's Right Hand (Charles Nicol)86
     The 49 Reprints: Addendum (RDM)86
     Notes, Reports, and Correspondence 
     A Note in Correction (RDM)87
     SF in the 1850s (John Eggeling)87
     Notes on Various Matters by Various Hands87
     In Defense of Anatomy of Wonder (Joe DeBolt and John R. Pfeiffer)89
     Response to Professors DeBolt and Pfeiffer (RDM)91
     Additional Notes93
     The SFS Stylesheet94
     Le Guin and Suvin on the Lem Affair100
#12Volume 4Part 2July 1977Stanislaw LemCosmology and Science Fiction107
    Jerzy JarzqbskiStanislaw Lem, Rationalist and Visionary110
     On the Ouster of Stanislaw Lem from the SFWA 
    Brian W. AldissWhat Dark Non-Literary Passions126
    Stanislaw LemLooking Down on Science Fiction [from Atlas]127
    Pamela Sargent and George ZebrowskiHow It Happened: A Chronology129
    Pamela SargentWhy It Happened: Comments and Conclusions134
    George ZebrowskiWhy It Happened: Some Notes and Opinions136
    Jack Dann, Gregory BenfordLetters on the Affair137
    Andrew Offutt (President of SFWA)How It Happened: One Bad Decision Leading to Another138
    R.D. MullenI Could Not Love Thee, Dear, So Much143
    Gary K. WolfeMythic Structures in Cordwainer Smith's «The Game of Rat and Dragon»144
    Tom MoylanIdeological Contradiction in Clarke's The City and the Stars150
    Ursula K. Le GuinA New Book by the Strugatskys157
    Bernt KlingPerry Rhodan159
    Michael D. WhiteEllison's Harlequin: Irrational Moral Action in Static Time161
    Robert M. PhilmusH.G. Wells as Literary Critic for the Saturday Review. With abstracts of 92 reviews, 1895-97166
     Documents in the History of Science Fiction 
    Edward BellamyHow I Came to Write Looking Backward194
     Science-Fiction and Related Scholarship in Review 
     McConnell's «Critical Edition» of The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds (David Y. Hughes)196
     The Panshins' SF in Dimension, Nicholls' SF at Large, and the Scholes-Rabkin Science Fiction: History-Science-Vision (David Samuelson)198
     Clareson's Many Futures, Many Worlds (Scott Sanders)204
     The Bogdanoffs' Clefs pour la science-fiction (Marc Angenot)207
     Cawelti's Adventure, Mystery and Romance (George Szanto)208
     The Publications of NESFA; and Other New Books at Hand210
     Notes, Reports, and Correspondence 
     The SF Conferences in Poznan and Dublin (Brian W. Aldiss)211
     On Alexei Panshin and Heinlein Criticism (S.C. Fredericks)212
     On S.C. Fredericks and SF Criticism (Alexei Panshin)215
     Response to Alexei Panshin (S.C. Fredericks)218
     The First James Blish Award; and Notes on Contributors218
#13Volume 4Part 3November 1977 THE SOCIOLOGY OF SCIENCE FICTION 
     Introduction (DS)223
    Charles ElkinsAn Approach to the Social Functions of American Science Fiction228
    Albert I. BergerSF Fans in Socio-Economic Perspective: Factors in the Social Consciousness of a Genre232
    A.E. LevinEnglish-Language Science Fiction as a Socio-Cultural Phenomenon246
    Dieter HasselblattReflections from West Germany on the Science-Fiction Market256
    Linda FlemingThe American SF Sub-Culture263
    Rudolf StefenViolence in Science Fiction, and Censorship in West Germany271
    Bernt KlingOn Science-Fiction Comics277
    Wolfgang JeschkeSF: A Publisher's View283
    G#rard KleinLe Guin's «Aberrant» Opus: Escaping the Trap of Discontent287
    Marc AngenotA Select Bibliography of the Sociology of Literature295
     An 1873 Review of Maitland's By and By308
     An 1880 Review of Greg's Across the Zodiac311
     On the Lem Affair (James Gunn)314
     On Lem on Cosmology and SF (Gregory Benford)316
     On Barbour on Le Guin (Richard D. Erlich)317
     A Note in Correction318
     The Meaning of the Loch Ness Monster (DS)318
     Turner, Gillespie, Lem, et al. on Silverberg (RDM)318
     Some New Scholarly Works Briefly Noted; a Reprint of The Red Napoleon; the Third Gregg Press SF Series (RDM)320
#14Volume 5Part 1March 1978 ARTICLES 
    Peter S. AltermanAliens in Golding's The Inheritors3
    Robert PlankFrom Science Fiction to Life and Death: A Case History11
    Hans Joachim AlpersLoincloth, Double Ax, and Magic: «Heroic Fantasy» and Related Genres19
    S.C. FredericksProblems of Fantasy33
    Darko SuvinOn What Is and Is Not an SF Narration; With a List of 101 Victorian Books That Should Be Excluded From SF Bibliographies45
    Marc AngenotScience Fiction in France before Verne58
    Paul M. Abrahm and Stuart KenterTik-Tok and the Three Laws of Robotics.67
     Purdy's The Hole in the Fabric (Charles Nicol)81
     Olander and Greenberg's Isaac Asimov (David N. Samuelson)81
     The Tymn-Schlobin-Currey Research Guide (RDM)83
    Philip K. DickA Clarification83
    Pamela SargentA Suggestion84
    Darko SuvinWhat Lem Actually Wrote: A Philologico-Ideological Note85
     Research in Progress (Sam Moskowitz)88
     On Moylan on The City and the Stars (Arthur C. Clarke)88
     Professor Irwin and the Deeks Affair (Arthur C. Clarke)90
     In Response to Professor Benford (Stanislaw Lem)92
#15Volume 5Part 2July 1978 ARTICLES 
    Albert I. BergerScience-Fiction Critiques of the American Space Program, 1945-195899
    Victor UrbanowiczPersonal and Political in Le Guin's The Dispossessed110
    Rafail NudelmanConversation in a Railway Compartment118
    Wojciech JamroziakThe Historical SF of Teodor Parnicki130
    Elizabeth Cummins CogellThe Middle-Landscape Myth in Science Fiction134
    Pamela J. AnnasNew Worlds, New Words: Androgyny in Feminist Science Fiction143
    Genrikh Al'tovLevels of Narrative Ideas: Colors on the SF Palette157
    William Sims Bainbridge and Murray DalzielThe Shape of Science Fiction as Perceived by the Fans165
    David KettererMary Shelley and Science Fiction: A Select Bibliography Selectively Annotated172
     Carter's The Creation of Tomorrow and the Olander-Greenberg Arthur C. Clarke (Scott Sanders)179
     Contento's Index, Tuck's Encyclopedia, Negley's Utopian Literature, Ash's Visual Encyclopedia, and Menville and Reginald's Things to Come (RDM)182
     Slusser on Heinlein, Delany, Ellison, Bradbury; Mathews on Aldiss (S.C. Fredericks)188
     The Gregg Press Science Fiction Series (RDM)192
     St. Armand on Lovecraft (S.C. Fredericks)196
     On Alpers on Heroic Fantasy and Nazism (Norman Spinrad)198
     A Clarification (James Gunn)198
     Work in Progress: A Suggestion (David M. Samuelson)198
     The Maturing of the Genre (Donald M. Hassler)199
     On Accidentals (RDM)199
#16Volume 5Part 3November 1978 ARTICLES 
    Raymond WilliamsUtopia and Science Fiction203
    James W. BittnerPersuading Us to Rejoice and Teaching Us How to Praise: Le Guin's Orsinian Tales215
    John M. ChristensenNew Atlantis Revisited: Science and the Victorian Tale of the Future243
    Joanna RussSF and Technology as Mystification250
    Stephen H. GoldmanJohn Brunner's Dystopias: Heroic Man in Unheroic Society260
    Irena Lantovski-Murray and Darko SuvinA Bibliography of General Bibliographies of SF Literature271
    R.D. MullenThe Books of H. Rider Haggard: A Chronological Survey287
     Waggoner's The Hills of Faraway (RDM)291
     Hammond's Herbert George Wells: An Annotated Bibliography (Joe Weixlmann)298
     Allen's Asimov and Herbert (CLE)299
     Harrison's Great Balls of Fire! (Alison Szanto)301
     Sherman's Jack London: A Reference Guide (Nadia Khouri)302
     In Retrospect (RDM)302
     Dear Professor Mullen (Richard Astle)303
     In Response to Mr Astle (RDM)304
     Dear Professor Mullen (Arthur C. Clarke)306
     The Second World Science Fiction Writers Conference (Brian W. Aldiss)307
     On the Publication of the Haggard Survey (RDM)307
     Contributors New to SFS in Volume 5308
#17Volume 6Part 1March 1979 Editorial3
    Marc AngenotThe Absent Paradigm: An Introduction to the Semiotics of Science Fiction9
    Charles ElkisScience Fiction versus Futurology: Dramatic versus Rational Models20
    Darko SuvinThe State of the Art in Science Fiction Theory: Determining and Delimiting the Genre32
    Patrick ParrinderThe Alien Encounter: Or, Ms. Brown and Mrs. Le Guin46
    Peter FittingThe Modern Anglo-American SF Novel: Utopian Longing and Capita Cooptation59
    David J. LakeThe White Sphinx and the Whitened Lemur: Images of Death in The Time Machine77
    Antoni SmuszkiewiczSpace and Time in Contemporary Polish SF85
    Horst HeidtmannA Survey of SF in the German Democratic Republic92
     Cro's Sinapia: Classical Utopia of Spain (Sylvia Wynter)100
     Locus: The Newspaper of the Science Fiction Field (DS)107
     An Unnecessary Reprint (DS)107
     Th CEA Critic [Special Issue]: Fantasy (CE)109
     Stover's La Science-fiction américaine (Peter Fitting)109
     Klein's Malaise dans la science-fiction (Nadia Khouri)111
     Russo's Ventánni di fantascienza in Italia (MA)111
     Goodman on William S. Burroughs (Irena Žantovská-Murray)111
     The International SF Conference in Palermo: A Report (Nadia Khouri)113
     Was SF Alive and Well Under Nazism?: An Exchange (Edward J. Tabler, William B. Fischer)114
     On Ursula Le Guin (Gérard Klein)117
     Frankenstein's Monster (Patrick Parrinder)117
     On Klein's Comments on Ursula Le Guin (Joanna Russ)117
     Gleaned from Other Sources (DS)118
     Notes on Contributors119
#18Volume 6Part 2July 1979 ARTICLES 
    Albert I . BergerNuclear Energy: Science Fiction's Metaphor of Power121
    John FeketeThe Dispossessed and Triton: Act and System in Utopian SF129
    Jorg HiengerThe Uncanny and Science Fiction144
    Dagmar BarnouwScience Fiction as a Model for Probabilistic Worlds: Stanislaw Lem's F antastic Empiricism153
    John OwerAesop and the Ambiguity of Clifford Simak's C ity164
    Marc Angenot and Darko SuvinNot Only but Also: Reflections on Cognition and Ideology in Science Fiction and SF Criticism168
    Jeanne Murray WalkerMyth, Exchange and History in The Left Hand of Darkness180
    Sylvia Pukallus, Ronald M. Hahn, and Horst PukallusPerry Rhodan as a Social and Ideological Phenomenon190
    Franz RottensteinerSome German Writings on Science Fiction201
    R. D. MullenNo Time for Evolution209
    David KettererFrankenstein in Wolf's Clothing216
     Bainbridge's The Space Flight Revolution (Lem)221
     Description by a Master; Enumeration by an Apprentice (RDM)222
     New Books on Jules Verne (MA)224
     Asimov's The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov (McCarthy)227
     Bernard Blanc's Pourquoi j'ai tué Jules Verne (MA)228
     Clarke's The View from Serendip (Theall, Benedict)230
     Dispa's Héiros de la science-fiction (MA)231
     Elrick's Science Fiction Handbook for Readers & Writers (CE)232
     Goorden's S.F., fantastique et ateliers créatifs (MA)233
     Lester's The International Science Fiction Yearbook (CE)233
     Lundwall's Science-Fiction: An Illustrated History (RDM)236
     Prevot's Cyrano de Bergerac, romancier (Fitting)236
     Reichardt's Robots: Facts, Fiction and Prediction (Warrick)237
     Several foreign sf joumals (MA)238
     Two French bibliographies (MA)239
     (R.D. Mullen,David Lake, Karen Mitchell, Rafail Nudelman J.R. HammondJ, oes WeixlmannT, .W. Hamilton)240
     Notes on Contributors244
#19Volume 6Part 3November 1979 SCIENCE FICTION AND TEACHING 
    Gregory Benford, Samuel Delany, Robert Scholes, Alan J. Friedman, and John Woodcock, ed.Teaching Science Fiction: Unique Chalenges249
    Charles Elkins and Darko SuvinPreliminary Reflections on Teaching Science Fiction Critically263
    Lowry PeiPoor Singletons: Definitions of Humanity in the Stories of James Tiptree, Jr.271
    Ina Rae HarkUnity in the Composite Novel: Triadic Patterning in Asinov's The Gods Themselves281
    Martin SchiferThe Rise and Fal of Antiutopia287
    Andrzej ZgorzelskiIs Science Fiction a Genre of Fantastic Literature?296
    George LockeAn English Science-Fiction Magazine, 1919304
    David Y. HughesCriticism in English of H.G. Wells's Science Fiction309
    Carlo Pagetti25 Years of SF Criticism in Italy (1953-1978)320
    Robert M. PhilmusIn Search of Orwell327
    Samuel R. DelanyThe Order of «Chaos»3 33
    Patrick ParrinderDelany Inspects the Word-Beast337
     Witkiewicz in Translation (Daniel Gerould)342
     A Romantic Assessment Unreassessed (David Ketterer)344
     Hawthorne (Lynn Berk)346
     Sheckley's Victim (David N. Samuelson)348
     Silverberg's Best (Russell Letson)349
     Pedagogies of Imagination (Jean-Marc Gouanvic)349
     Science Fiction cum Biology (Peter Fitting)351
     Book Review Indexes (Irena Žantovská-Murray)351
     Zoran Zivković, The First Collection of Yugoslav SF Stories,etc.353
     Notes on Contributors356
     Index for Volume 6358
    Joanna RussAmor Vincit Foeminam: The Battle of the Sexes in SF2
    Susan GubarC.L. Moore and the Conventions of Women's SF16
    Linda LeithMarion Zimmer Bradley and Darkover28
    Robert GalbreathHolism, Openness, and the Other: Le Guin's Use of the Occult36
    Nadia KhouriThe Dialectics of Power: Utopia in the SF of Le Guin, Jeury, and Piercy49
    Jean PfaelzerParody and Satire in American Dystopian Fiction of the 19th Century61
    Beatrice FinkNarrative Techniques and Utopian Structures in Sade's Aline et Valcour73
    David N. SamuelsonCritical Mass: The SF of Frederik Pohl80
    George LockeThe New Bleiler and the New Clarke96
    Patrick ParrinderWilliam Morris: Romantic or Revolutionary?101
     Winter on Utopia (Andreas Huyssen)104
     Lasky's Utopianism (Donald Watson)107
     Aldous Huxley Revisited (RNMP)109
     Unselective Excerpts (CE)110
     In Defense of Lovecraft (S.T. Joshi)111
     SF and Poetry (DS)112
     On Some Changes in the SFS: Editorial Board112
     Notes on Contributors113
#21Volume 7Part 2July 1980 ARTICLES 
    Gérard KleinA Petition by Agents of the Dominant Culture for the Dismissal of Science Fiction115
    Carlo PagettiThe First Men in the Moon: H.G. Wells and the Fictional Strategy of his «Scientific Romances»124
    Samuel R. DelanyReflections on Historical Models of Modern English Language Science Fiction135
    Alessandro PortelliThe Three Laws of Robotics150
    Joe SandersSF and Detective Fiction: The Case of John D. MacDonald157
    Jorg HiengerEntertainment and Challenge in SF166
    Patricia WarrickThe Encounter of Taoism and Fascism in Philip K. Dick's The Man in the High Castle174
    Elisabeth Vonarburg and Norbert SpehnerSF in Quebec: A Survey191
    I. and A. GopnikA Guide to the Philosophy of Science200
    Darko Suvin74 More Victorian Books to be Excluded from SF207
    Robert K. MartinThe Quest for Poe213
    Robert M. PhilmusReference, Anyone?217
     Eternity, Infinity, and a Critical Magazine (Patrick Parrinder)222
     Ellison and Clarke (David N. Samuelson)223
     Vian and SF (Jean-Marc Gouanvic)225
     (Un)Conscious Fiction(MA)226
     Philosophy and Fiction (MA)227
     More Nearly Perfect (RMP)227
     One Question, Everyone Answers (MA)228
     Cataloguing SF (MA)229
     Mark Twain's Generation Iceberg (David Ketterer)230
     In Defense of Ketterer (David Lake)231
     Women and SF (Joanna Russ, Linda Leith)232
     On Galbreath's Rhetoris of the Occult (Charles Elkins. Robert Galbreath)236
     An Exchange on «'the Absent Paradigm» (Andrzej Zgorzelski, MA)239
     Non-English SF Criticism: A Proposed Bibliography (Hal Hall)242
     Notes on Contributors243
    Donald F. TheallOn SF as Symbolic Communication247
    Michael StemMaking Culture into Nature; or, Who Put the «Special» into «Special Effects»?263
    Mark SiegelSF Characterization and TV's Battle for the Stars270
    Charles Elkins, ed.Symposium on Alien (Jackie Byars, Jeff Gould, Peter Fitting, Judith Lowder Newton, Tony Safford, Clayton Lee)278
    Mark SiegelThe Rock Horror Picture Show: More Than a Lip Service305
    Andrew GordonThe Empire Strikes Back: Monsters from the Id313
    Fredric JamesonSF Novel/SF Film319
    Pamela J. AnnasSF Film Criticism in the US323
    Stanislaw LemOn Science, Pseudo-Science, and Some SF330
    Charles ElkinsRecent Bibliographies of SF and Fantas339
     American SF Comics (MA)342
     What's Wrong with SF Film Criticsm (Will Straw)344
     Two Special Issues on SF Cinema (Will Straw)345
     SF in Scandinavia (DS)346
     SF in Quebec (Jean-Marc Gouanvic, RMP)348
     SF and Women: The Biological Issue (Steve Lehman)349
     On the Fascination of Horror Stories, Including Lovecraft's (Joanna Russ)350
     SF Studies in France (Patrick Parrinder)352
     Errata in SFS No. 21352
     Index to Volume 7353
     Notes on Contributors357



Ссылка на сообщение24 июня 2018 г. 16:19
спасибо. большой труд. теперь бы еще найти того, кто это в нашу базу занесет )
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Ссылка на сообщение24 июня 2018 г. 18:43
Все номера SFS выложил. Ссылки — в начале статьи.

цитата sham

теперь бы еще найти того, кто это в нашу базу занесет

Это будет герой. Там 135 журналов по 200 с лишним страниц каждый, я их все пролистал, оглавления составил и сами журналы собрал. Целый месяц только этим и занимался.

В базе некоторые номера есть, но их немного.

Ссылка на сообщение24 июня 2018 г. 16:37
Спасибо — впечатляет...

Ссылка на сообщение24 июня 2018 г. 16:41
Внесла столь славную таблицу в нашу базу — с нетерпением жду продолжения... :-)

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