The Magazine of Fantasy and ...

«The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1964»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1964

Язык издания: английский

1964 г. (июнь)

Тираж: не указан

Формат: 80х108/32 (130х190 мм)

Страниц: 132


Cover art by Ed Emshwiller.


  1. Avram Davidson. Editorial (article), р. 4
  2. F. A. Javor. The Triumph of Pegasus (novelet), р. 5-29
  3. Stephen Barr. The Master of Altamira (short story), р. 30-34
  4. Avram Davidson. Books (review), р. 35-39
  5. Bryce Walton. The Peace Watchers (short story), р. 40-54
  6. Jack Sharkey. Trade-In (short story), р. 55-67
  7. Arthur Porges. Time-Bomb (verse), р. 67
  8. Theodore L. Thomas. Medical Radiotracers (article), р. 68
  9. Kit Reed. Cynosure (short story), р. 69-77
  10. G. C. Edmondson. The Third Bubble (short story), р. 78-88
  11. Bruce Simonds. The Search (verse), р. 89-95
  12. Gahan Wilson. The Thing from Outer Space and the Prairie Dogs (short story), р. 95
  13. Isaac Asimov. The Heavenly Zoo (essay), р. 96-106
  14. Willard N. Marsh. Forwarding Service (short story), р. 107-110
  15. Avram Davidson. The Unknown Law (short novelet), р. 111-127
  16. Index to Volume Twenty Six: January-June 1964, р. 130


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