Издательство Morrigan ...

Издательство «Morrigan Publications»

Годы существования: 1987 – 1994


Morrigan Publications was founded in 1987 by Jim and Les Escott

Morrigan Publications, to their eternal credit, have been issuing, in quite attractive editions, books by some of the finest of American SF writers — books which those writers have been unable to place with major American publishing houses. This year R.A. Lafferty’s Serpent ’5 Egg — a novel written almost a decade ago — has appeared, along with K.W. Jeter’s Death Anns, third in a “thematic trilogy” begun by Dr. /tdde/ and the brilliant The Glass Hammer. Lafferty and Jeter have had notorious trouble placing some of their manuscripts (Lafferty’s More Than Metchisidek was scheduled and then canned by Donning; Jeter’s Dr. Adder gathered dust for years before Bluejav found the courage to print it, at the late Philip Dick’s urging); the reasons arc simple but depressing: Lafferty and Jeter are “non-commercial” writers, pursuing their quirky, obsessive visions along the border of genre SF. Mainstream publishers have often quailed at their left-field approaches to the genre, leaving them to seek out the infrequent editor gutsy enough to see their strange books into print. We should all therefore praise and patronize this new, very small British imprint for venturing into some dark and dangerous territory where the major American houses fear to tread.

84 Ivy Avenue, Bath, Avon

Издательство прекратило своё существование.

Всего изданий:


Внесерийные издания

Alligator Alley

1989 год

Описание: Cover by Ferret. interior art by Don Coyot

Death Arms

1987 год

Описание: Cover by Steve Godridge


1988 год

Описание: Cover by Ferret.

In the Land of the Dead

1989 год

Описание: Cover by Ferret.

Red Spider White Web

1990 год

Описание: Cover by Don Coyote

Serpent’s Egg

1987 год

Описание: Коллекционное издание в 250 нумерованных экз., подписанных автором.
Иллюстрация на обложке Н. Макколла

The Digging Leviathan

1988 год

Описание: Cover by Ferret.

The Magic Spectacles

1991 год

Описание: Cover by Ferret.

Winterwood and Other Hauntings

1989 год

Описание: Cover by Peter Pearce
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