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Джордж Беллаирс «Инспектор Литтлджон»

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Инспектор Литтлджон

Chief Inspector Littlejohn



Dead March for Penelope Blow (1951) aka Dead March for Penelope

Death in Dark Glasses (1952)

Half-Mast for the Deemster (1953)

A Knife for Harry Dodd (1953)

The Cursing Stones Murder (1954)

Death In Room Five (1955)

Death Drops the Pilot (1956)

Death Treads Softly(1956)

Death in High Provence (1957)

Death Sends for the Doctor (1957)

Corpse at the Carnival (1958)

Murder Makes Mistakes (1958)

Bones in the Wilderness (1959)

Toll the Bell for Murder (1959)

Corpses in Enderby (1960)

Death in the Fearful Night (1960)

The Body in the Dumb River (1961) aka Murder Masquerade

Death of a Tin God (1961)

Death Before Breakfast (1962)

The Tormentors (1962)

Death in the Wasteland (1964)

Death of a Shadow (1964)

Surfeit of Suspects (1964)

Death Spins the Wheel (1965)

Intruder in the Dark (1966)

Strangers Among the Dead (1966)

Death in Desolation (1967)

Single Ticket to Death (1967)

Fatal Alibi (1968)

Murder Gone Mad (1968)

The Night They Killed Joss Varran (1970)

Tycoon’s Death-bed (1970)

Pomeroy, Deceased (1971)

Murder Adrift (1972)

Devious Murder (1973)

Fear Round About (1975)

Close All Roads to Sospel (1976) aka All Roads to Sospel

The Downhill Ride of Leeman Popple (1978)

An Old Man Dies (1980)

Содержание цикла: по порядкупо годупо рейтингу

8.00 (1)
6.40 (5)
1 отз.
7.00 (3)

Обозначения:   циклы (сворачиваемые)   циклы, сборники, антологии   романы   повести
рассказы   графические произведения   + примыкающие, не основные части

Издания: ВСЕ (1)
русский (1)
книги (1)
В. Агаянц (1)

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2019 г.


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