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Майкл Суэнвик «The Sleep of Reason»

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The Sleep of Reason

Сборник, год


Сборник состоит из 79 микрорассказов, написанных по мотивам офортов Гойи.

В произведение входит: по порядкупо годупо рейтингу

  • The Sleep of Reason Produces Nightmares
  • Elena's Heart
  • The Sentinel
  • Death and Elena
  • The Child-Buyer
  • Prick the Donkey
  • The Children of Utopia
  • Live! Nude! Witches!
  • Spontaneous Human Combustion
  • The Godmothers
  • The All-Devouring
  • Concerning Elena and a Certain Mouse
  • Silly Old Clown
  • The Education of Young Prick
  • The Nightmare Court
  • The Forge of Witches
  • Dirt
  • The Sorrows of Young Grace
  • The Clyster of San Bernardino
  • True Love
  • The Beer of Eternity
  • Witches and Nightmares
  • Spanking
  • Elena on the Street
  • Prick in Love
  • Grace in the Bordello
  • Trolls
  • The Homunculus
  • Death in Venice
  • Grace and Elena
  • A Sad Story
  • Slander
  • Wicked Grace
  • A Sad Story Continued
  • Witches' Orgies
  • The Miser
  • A Sad Story Concluded
  • The Nightmares in Concert
  • Elena By Herself
  • The Picadors' Club
  • Grace Violated
  • Paint Your Goat
  • Elena's Day of Rest
  • Prick Among the Demons
  • A Close Shave
  • Grace at the Gallows
  • The Donkey Method
  • The Morning After
  • The Rookie
  • Nightmares and Witches
  • Capitalism for Dummies
  • Prick the Warrior
  • Poor Little Girls
  • Elena's Little Secret
  • The Stone of Folly
  • The Empress Herself
  • Grooming Your Nightmares
  • Prick the Physician
  • Grace and Nightmares
  • Haute Couture
  • Elena's Playful Side
  • Worshipping the Scarecrow
  • Your Family in a Nutshell
  • The Parrot with a Golden Beak
  • Grace in the Madhouse
  • Commedia dell'Arte
  • Dein Kampf
  • The Great Wheel of the World
  • Elena the Libertarian
  • How the Witches Love to Pluck!
  • Tall Tales
  • Prick and Posterity
  • The Lions of the Law
  • Grace's Final Irony
  • Veterans of Heroic Wars
  • The End of the Witches
  • The Apotheosis of Elena
  • The Dark Night of the Soul
  • The Nightmares Awaken
  • Afterword: The Age of Goya, the Age of Swanwick [послесловие]

Обозначения:   циклы (сворачиваемые)   циклы, сборники, антологии   романы   повести
рассказы   графические произведения   + примыкающие, не основные части


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