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An Account of a Voyage from World to World Again, by Way of the Moon, 1726: Undertaken by Captain Captain Wm Chetwin Aboard the Cometes Georgius

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Полное название, под которым повесть издавалась с 2013 года: «An Account of a Voyage from World to World Again, by Way of the Moon, 1726, in the Commission of Georgius Rex Primus, Monarch of Northern Europe and Lord of Selenic Territories, Defender of the Faith. Undertaken by Captain Captain Wm Chetwin Aboard the Cometes Georgius».

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— антологию «The Lowest Heaven», 2013 г.

Издания: ВСЕ (2)

Издания на иностранных языках:

An Account of a Voyage from World to World Again, by Way of the Moon, 1726: Undertaken by Captain Captain Wm Chetwin Aboard the Cometes Georgius
2012 г.
The Lowest Heaven
2013 г.


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