fantlab ru

Авторские книги (2):

Роботы Апокалипсиса
2012 г.
Эволюция «Андромеды»
2022 г.

Антологии и сборники (1):

Царствие Хаоса
2017 г.

Аудиокниги (1):

Декабрьский фантастический марафон 2020
2020 г.

Издания на иностранных языках (29):

Where's My Jetpack?: A Guide to the Amazing Science Fiction Future that Never Arrived
2007 г.
2011 г.
2011 г.
Nightmare, Issue 3, December 2012
2012 г.
Lightspeed - February 2012
2012 г.
2012 г.
2012 г.
21st Century Dead: A Zombie Anthology
2012 г.
Diverse Energies
2012 г.
2013 г.
The Mad Scientist's Guide to World Domination
2013 г.
Cyberpunk: Stories of Hardware, Software, Wetware, Revolution and Evolution
2013 г.
Robot Uprisings
2014 г.
Help Fund My Robot Army!!! and Other Improbable Crowdfunding Projects
2014 г.
The End is Now
2014 г.
Carbide Tipped Pens: Seventeen Tales of Hard Science Fiction
2014 г.
The Apocalypse Triptych Sampler
2015 г.
Press Start to Play
2015 г.
The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2015
2015 г.
Polychrome Futures and Fantasies
2016 г.
The Clockwork Dynasty
2017 г.
Guardian Angels and Other Monsters
2018 г.
The Clockwork Dynasty
2018 г.
Resist: Tales from a Future Worth Fighting Against
2018 г.
A People's Future of the United States
2019 г.
Lightspeed. Issue 154, March 2023
2023 г.
New Suns 2
2023 г.
Uncanny Magazine, Issue Fifty-Three. July-August 2023
2023 г.
The Year's Top Hard Science Fiction Stories 8
2024 г.

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