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Электронные издания (1):

«DARKER» № 10'16 (67)
2016 г.

Издания на иностранных языках (21):

Strangewood Tales
2002 г.
Dreaming of Angels
2002 г.
Suffer the Flesh
2002 г.
Decadence 2
2002 г.
Nemonymous 3
2003 г.
Poisoning Eros
2003 г.
Fear of the Unknown
2005 г.
Nemo Book
2005 г.
Travellers In Darkness: The Souvenir Book of the World Horror Convention 2007
2007 г.
Experiments in Human Nature
2008 г.
Postscripts #18: This is the Summer of Love
2009 г.
Best New Zombie Tales, Volume Two
2010 г.
Necro Files: Two Decades of Extreme Horror
2011 г.
Horror For Good: A Charitable Anthology
2012 г.
Poisoning Eros
2013 г.
D.O.A. II. Extreme Horror Collection
2013 г.
What Happens in the Darkness
2013 г.
In The End, Only Darkness
2014 г.
Year's Best Hardcore Horror Volume 1
2016 г.
Into Painfreak: A Journey of Decadence and Debauchery
2016 г.
The Big Book of Blasphemy
2019 г.

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