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Авторские книги (3):

Когда под ногами бездна
1996 г.
Огонь на солнце
1996 г.
Поцелуй изгнанья
1997 г.

Антологии и сборники (7):

Ралли «Конская голова»
1990 г.
Смерть Вселенной
1992 г.
Шерлок Холмс на орбите
1999 г.
Курсанты Академии
2002 г.
Байки из дворца Джаббы Хатта
2004 г.
Реально смешное фэнтези
2008 г.
Дибук с Мазлтов-IV
2011 г.

Периодика (4):

Если № 8, август 1995
1995 г.
Если № 6, июнь 2000
2000 г.
Если № 1, январь 2001
2001 г.
Если № 1, январь 2003
2003 г.

Самиздат и фэнзины (7):

Курсанты Академии
2010 г.
Кошечка Шрёдингера
2013 г.
Марид Одран
2016 г.
Будайенские ночи
2016 г.
Курсанты Академии
2018 г.
Бюрократия войны. Второй контакт. Рыжебородый
2020 г.
Путешествия Шерлока Холмса. Том 2
2023 г.

Аудиокниги (2):

Элементы — модель для сборки
1995 г.
Когда под ногами бездна
2022 г.

Издания на иностранных языках (242):

Universe 1
1971 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 1971
1971 г.
1971 г.
The Ruins of Earth: An Anthology of Stories of the Immediate Future
1971 г.
Orbit 11
1972 г.
Fantastic Science Fiction & Fantasy Stories, February 1972
1972 г.
Orbit 10
1972 г.
What Entropy Means to Me
1972 г.
Clarion II
1972 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year
1972 г.
Orbit 10
1972 г.
New Dimensions II: Eleven Original Science Fiction Stories
1972 г.
The New Mind
1973 г.
What Entropy Means to Me
1973 г.
Orbit 11
1973 г.
Orbit 11
1973 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1973
1973 г.
Bad Moon Rising: An Anthology of Political Foreboding
1973 г.
The Haunt of Horror, June 1973
1973 г.
The Haunt of Horror, August 1973
1973 г.
Chains of the Sea
1973 г.
Universe 3
1973 г.
New Dimensions 3
1973 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1973
1973 г.
1973 г.
Universe 3
1973 г.
Chains of the Sea
1973 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1974
1974 г.
Introductory Psychology Through Science Fiction
1974 г.
Wandering Stars: An Anthology of Jewish Fantasy and Science Fiction
1974 г.
Windows into Tomorrow
1974 г.
Fellowship of the Stars
1974 г.
Man the Fugitive
1974 г.
New Dimensions III
1974 г.
New Dimensions III
1974 г.
Alpha 5
1974 г.
Mixed Feelings
1974 г.
Orbit 15
1974 г.
Universe 5
1974 г.
Chains of the Sea
1974 г.
Worlds Near and Far
1974 г.
Wandering Stars: An Anthology of Jewish Fantasy and Science Fiction
1975 г.
Universe One
1975 г.
Escape to Tomorrow
1975 г.
Journey into Terror
1975 г.
Universe 3
1975 г.
Windows into Tomorrow
1975 г.
Universe 5
1975 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1975
1975 г.
New Dimensions Science Fiction Number 5
1975 г.
Best Stories from Orbit
1975 г.
Nightmare Blue
1975 г.
Wandering Stars: An Anthology of Jewish Fantasy and Science Fiction
1975 г.
Run to Starlight: Sports Through Science Fiction
1976 г.
Lord of the Apes
1976 г.
Irrational Numbers
1976 г.
New Dimensions Science Fiction Number 5
1976 г.
Those Gentle Voices: A Promethean Romance of the Spaceways
1976 г.
Universe 5
1976 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year
1976 г.
Future Power
1976 г.
New Dimensions 6
1976 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, July 1976
1976 г.
New Dimensions 6
1976 г.
New Dimensions: Science Fiction Number 5
1976 г.
1976 г.
The Arts and Beyond: Visions of Man's Aesthetic Future
1977 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, November 1977
1977 г.
Alpha 7
1977 г.
Study War No More
1977 г.
Introductory Psychology Through Science Fiction. Second Edition
1977 г.
Universe 7
1977 г.
Nightmare Blue
1977 г.
Ascents of Wonder
1977 г.
Death in Florence
1978 г.
1978 г.
Science Fiction: Contemporary Mythology
1978 г.
1978 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, May-June 1978
1978 г.
Science Fiction: Contemporary Mythology
1978 г.
Universe 7
1978 г.
Asimov's Choice: Dark Stars & Dragons
1978 г.
Universe 5
1978 г.
1978 г.
Study War No More
1978 г.
Those Gentle Voices
1979 г.
Galaxy Science Fiction, September-October 1979
1979 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, May 1979
1979 г.
Study War No More
1979 г.
1979 г.
The Best of New Dimensions
1979 г.
Utopia 3
1980 г.
Le livre d'or de la Science-Fiction: La IIIe guerre mondiale n'aura pas lieu
1980 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, January 1981
1981 г.
The Wolves of Memory
1981 г.
The Wolves of Memory
1982 г.
The Berkley Showcase: New Writings in Science Fiction and Fantasy, Vol. 5
1982 г.
Laughing Space
1982 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, January 1982
1982 г.
Nie wieder Krieg
1982 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, April 1982
1982 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, June 1982
1982 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, September 1982
1982 г.
Amazing Science Fiction Stories, September 1982 (combined with Fantastic)
1982 г.
The Road to Science Fiction #4: From Here to Forever
1982 г.
Idle Pleasures
1983 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, April 1983
1983 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #12
1983 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, July 1983
1983 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #12
1983 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, November 1983
1983 г.
Light Years and Dark
1984 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, January 1984
1984 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, April 1984
1984 г.
The Science Fictional Olympics
1984 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, June 1984
1984 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, August 1984
1984 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, August 1984
1984 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, October 1984
1984 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, November 1984
1984 г.
Inside Outer Space: Science Fiction Professionals Look at Their Craft
1985 г.
Don Wollheim proponuje - 1985
1985 г.
Laughing Space
1985 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, April 1985
1985 г.
Isaac Asimov's Fantasy!
1985 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, July 1985
1985 г.
Terry Carr's Best Science Fiction of the Year
1985 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1985
1985 г.
The 1985 Annual World's Best SF
1985 г.
Best SF of the Year 14
1985 г.
Best SF of the Year 14
1985 г.
Nebula Awards 20
1985 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, December 1985
1985 г.
1986 г.
Night Cry, Summer 1986
1986 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, February 1986
1986 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, July 1986
1986 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, September 1986
1986 г.
On the Diamond
1987 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, March 1987
1987 г.
Robert Adams' Book of Alternate Worlds
1987 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, December 1987
1987 г.
The Nick of Time
1987 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, Mid-December 1987
1987 г.
What Entropy Means to Me
1988 г.
When Gravity Fails
1988 г.
Masters of Darkness II
1988 г.
Barbarians II
1988 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, February 1988
1988 г.
Shadow Money
1988 г.
The Bird of Time
1988 г.
Shaggy B.E.M. Stories
1988 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, November 1988
1988 г.
Tropical Chills
1988 г.
The Further Adventures of Batman
1989 г.
The Best from Fantasy & Science Fiction: A 40th Anniversary Anthology
1989 г.
Don Wollheim proponuje. 1989
1989 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, February 1989
1989 г.
Prophets in Hell
1989 г.
The Year's Best Science Fiction: Sixth Annual Collection
1989 г.
The Year's Best Science Fiction: Sixth Annual Collection
1989 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, May 1989
1989 г.
The 1989 Annual World's Best SF
1989 г.
A Fire in the Sun
1989 г.
Best New SF 3
1989 г.
What Might Have Been, Volume 1: Alternate Empires
1989 г.
The Old Funny Stuff
1989 г.
The Further Adventures of The Joker
1990 г.
Isaac Asimov's Fantasy!
1990 г.
Nebula Awards 24
1990 г.
Amazing Stories, May 1990
1990 г.
The Zork Chronicles
1990 г.
What Might Have Been, Volumes 1 & 2
1990 г.
Foundation's Friends
1990 г.
The Fantastic Adventures of Robin Hood
1991 г.
The Ultimate Frankenstein
1991 г.
Barbarzyńcy I
1991 г.
The Night Fantastic
1991 г.
The Complete Masters of Darkness
1991 г.
Fires of the Past: Thirteen Contemporary Fantasies About Hometowns
1991 г.
Smart Dragons, Foolish Elves
1991 г.
The Red Tape War
1991 г.
Smart Dragons, Foolish Elves
1991 г.
Isaac’s Universe Volume Two: Phases in Chaos
1991 г.
Isaac Asimov's Mars
1991 г.
The Best of Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine
1991 г.
The Ultimate Frankenstein
1992 г.
Alternate Kennedys
1992 г.
Isaac’s Universe Volume Three: Unnatural Diplomacy
1992 г.
Inside the Funhouse
1992 г.
The Best of Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine
1992 г.
Aladdin: Master of the Lamp
1992 г.
Urania #1220
1993 г.
Confederacy of the Dead
1993 г.
Isaac Asimov's Sf-Lite
1993 г.
More Whatdunits
1993 г.
Alternate Warriors
1993 г.
Betcha Can't Read Just One
1993 г.
The Year’s 25 Finest Crime and Mystery Stories: Third Annual Edition
1994 г.
By Any Other Fame
1994 г.
Alien Pregnant by Elvis
1994 г.
Phobias: Stories of Your Deepest Fears
1994 г.
The New Hugo Winners, Vol. 3
1994 г.
Maureen Birnbaum, Barbarian Swordperson
1994 г.
Grails: Visitations of the Night
1994 г.
South From Midnight
1994 г.
Deals with the Devil
1994 г.
Alternate Outlaws
1994 г.
Chicks in Chainmail
1995 г.
Confederacy of the Dead
1995 г.
Adventures of the Batman
1995 г.
Prietenii Fundației
1995 г.
Sherlock Holmes in Orbit
1995 г.
New Legends
1995 г.
New Legends
1995 г.
Sisters of the Night
1995 г.
War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches
1996 г.
Don't Forget Your Spacesuit, Dear
1996 г.
Foundation's Friends
1997 г.
Legends of the Batman
1997 г.
Modern Classics of Fantasy
1997 г.
Tarot Fantastic
1997 г.
Wandering Stars: An Anthology of Jewish Fantasy and Science Fiction
1998 г.
The Playboy Book of Science Fiction
1998 г.
The Mammoth Book of Seriously Comic Fantasy
1999 г.
Masterpieces: The Best Science Fiction of the Century
2001 г.
The Sandman: Book of Dreams
2002 г.
The Road to Science Fiction: Volume 4: From Here to Forever
2003 г.
Poison bleu
2003 г.
Budayeen Nights
2003 г.
My Sherlock Holmes
2004 г.
What Might Have Been, Volume 1: Alternate Empires
2004 г.
Conqueror Fantastic
2004 г.
George Alec Effinger Live! From Planet Earth
2005 г.
A Thousand Deaths
2007 г.
Bug-Eyed Monsters and Bimbos
2011 г.
2011 г.
Alien Contact
2011 г.
Future Games
2013 г.
War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches
2013 г.
The Very Best of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Volume Two
2014 г.
The Big Book of Cyberpunk
2023 г.

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