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Издания: ВСЕ (30)

Издания на иностранных языках (30):

Narrow Boat
1944 г.
Red for Danger: A History of Railway Accidents and Railway Safety
1955 г.
Narrow Boat
1965 г.
Best Railway Stories
1969 г.
Landscape with Machines
1971 г.
A Wave of Fear
1973 г.
A Wave Of Fear
1974 г.
Sleep No More: Railway, Canal and Other Stories of the Supernatural
1974 г.
The Thrill of Horror
1975 г.
The Thrill of Horror
1975 г.
The Taste of Fear
1976 г.
The Taste of Fear
1976 г.
Landscape with Canals
1977 г.
The Taste of Fear
1977 г.
Macabre Railway Stories
1982 г.
Lost Souls: A Collection of English Ghost Stories
1983 г.
Macabre Railway Stories
1983 г.
The Traction Engine Companion
1983 г.
The Oxford Book of English Ghost Stories
1986 г.
Ghosts and Scholars: Ghost Stories in the Tradition of M. R. James
1987 г.
Duel: Horror Stories of the Road
1987 г.
Mysterious Motoring Stories
1987 г.
The Mammoth Book of Ghost Stories
1990 г.
The Ghost Now Standing on Platform One
1990 г.
The Ghost Now Standing on Platform One
1991 г.
Journey Into Fear and Other Great Stories of Horror on the Railways
1991 г.
Landscape with Figures
1992 г.
Two Ghost Stories
1994 г.
Sleep No More: Twelve Stories Of The Supernatural
1996 г.
Meddling with Ghosts: Stories in the Tradition of M. R. James
2002 г.

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