Англоязычные книжные новинки

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Англоязычные книжные новинки за ноябрь 2008 года (часть V)

Статья написана 28 декабря 2008 г. 23:16

  • Памела Фриман (Pamela Freeman) — "Deep Water"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, вторая книга цикла "Castings".
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    Аннотация: Centuries ago, Acton and his people displaced the Travellers, the original inhabitants of the Eleven Domains. Now, Saker the enchanter is driven by this ancient rage. With the bones of his fallen ancestors and the blood from his own veins, he will raise armies of the dead to slake his revenge.

    But what really happened when Acton came through DeathPass a millennium ago? To find out, Bramble agrees to risk her life — and perhaps her soul — on a voyage of discovery. Will she find the simple answer she needs, or will her experiences shatter her deepest beliefs?

    Meanwhile, Ash, tormented by his past, must return to the Deep to find his father and uncover the Travellers' secret songs. He thought he had learnt all the ancient music. What has his father kept from him — and why?

    The truth, like all their destinies, is hidden in time and lies in deep water.

  • Стив Уайт — "Saint Antony's Fire"

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    О книге: Научно-фантастический роман, альтернативная история, где испанский конкистадор Понсе де Леон обнаруживает в Новом Свете инопланетные технологию, с помощью которых через 35 лет Непобедимая Армада завоевывает Британию.
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    Аннотация: In our universe, Ponce de León is remembered for his fruitless search for the mythical fountain of youth. But, in an alternate universe, his quest found something very different—and very dangerous.
    After his return to Spain, bizarre rumors flew about what he had found there, and what had come back with him.

    Eighty-five years later, Spain sent a fleet of ships against England. The English were confident that they could repel the threat—but England’s fleet was annihilated by weapons shooting beams of fiery light, weapons which seemed to employ the blackest of sorcery, even if they were wielded by odd-looking beings in monk’s garb.

    The Queen herself was forced to flee to the New World on Captain Thomas Winslow’s ship, Heron, accompanied by her advisor Dr. Dee, whom some called a sorcerer, and an odd fellow named Shakespeare, hoping there to find the source of Spain’s powerful weapons. But they would find far stranger matters there than they had expected, such as a grown woman who had been only an infant a year before, and eerie tales of a gate to another world with beings who were not human . . .

  • Антология "Better Off Undead"

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    О книге: Антология, состояшая из 18 рассказов, посвященных жизни вампиров, мумий и прочих бессмертных. Составители — Мартин Г. Гринберг и Дэниел Хойт.
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    Аннотация: Publisher: Eighteen original stories about the "lives" of the undead From vampires to mummy con artists, this lively collection explores the many forms the undead can take in stories that range from the chilling to the hysterical. There are those who people the Afterlife, others who wander the lands of the living in ghostly form, and even those who walk about in the flesh. For anyone who's ever wondered if the grass is greener on the other side of this mortal coil, this collection will provide a wide range of intriguing answers from those who are undead...and loving it!


  • Дерек Ганн (Derek Gunn) — "Vampire Apocalypse: Descent Into Chaos"

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    О книге: Роман ужасов, продолжение романа "Vampire Apocalypse: A World Torn Asunder" (2006).
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    Аннотация: The War is Over. The Vampires have Won. But a new campaign is about to begin. The first battle is over and Nero is dead. Now the human survivors will pull themselves from the ruins of their base to find that the world is a very different place outside Nero's territory. Nationally, the vampires have organized themselves into cabals but the scramble for power, raw materials and humans for their food, have led to an uneasy peace. Below the surface each state plots against the other and only the far-reaching power of the Vampire Council holds all-out war at bay. Now their control is slipping. And Peter Harris and his team have a plan that might just push them over the edge.


  • Лора Рив (Laura Reeve) — "Peacekeeper"

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    О книге: Научно-фантастический роман, дебютный роман автора. Первый роман цикла "Major Ariane Kedros".
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    Аннотация: Fifteen years ago, Ariane Kedros piloted a ship on a mission that obliterated an entire solar system. Branded a war criminal, she was given a new identity and a new life in order to protect her from retribution.

    But now, twelve of Ariane’s wartime colleagues are dead— assassinated by someone who has uncovered their true identities. And her superiors in the Autonomist army have placed her directly in the assassin’s line of fire on a peacekeeping mission that will decide the fate of all humanity…


  • Джон Закур — "The Flaxen Femme Fatale"

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    О книге: Юмористический научно-фантастический роман, шестой роман цикла "Zach". В России выходил первый роман этого цикла — "Плутониевая блондинка".
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    Аннотация: The last freelance P.I. on earth, Zach Johnson has been hired to track down a young beauty who happens to be a deadly secret weapon for the World Council. Figuring girls just want to have fun, he follows Natasha to various vacation destinations, but she eludes him, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake.

    Zach, however, isn’t surprised to discover that things aren’t what they seem, and to save the world, he’s going to have to find a way to team up with the woman he’s supposed to destroy...

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