John Harrison Hip Pocket ...

John Harrison «Hip Pocket Sleaze: The Lurid World of Vintage Adult Paperbacks»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:

Hip Pocket Sleaze: The Lurid World of Vintage Adult Paperbacks

авторская книга, первое издание

Язык издания: английский

London: Headpress, 2011 г.

Тираж: не указан

ISBN: 9781900486484

Тип обложки: мягкая

Формат: другой

Страниц: 400


  1. John Harrison. Hip Pocket Sleaze: The Lurid World of Vintage Adult Paperbacks (монография)

    1. About the Authors, c. v-v
    2. A Note About the Bibliographies, c. vii-vii
    3. Introduction, c. 1-4
    4. A Short History Of Paperbacks, с. 5-10
      1. The Birth Of Pulp Fiction
      2. Armed Services Editions: Selected Titles
    5. Adult Paperbacks, с. 11-20
      1. Strange Sisters & Queer Daddies: Lesbian & Gay Paperbacks
    6. The Smut Peddlers: Writer Profiles & Interviews, с. 21-88
      1. Victor J. Banis
      2. Ann Bannon
      3. Lawrence Block
      4. Richard E. Geis
      5. Jim Harmon
      6. Ron Haydock
      7. Robert Tralins
      8. Edward D. Wood, Jr.
    7. Masters Of The Provocative Art, с. 89-105
      1. Gene Bilbrew
      2. Eric Stanton
      3. Bill Ward
      4. Dede Aday Macdonald
    8. Vintage Adult Paperback Reviews, с. 106-125
    9. The 1970s: When Softcore Hardened & The Sleaze Became Sick, с. 126-209
      1. 1970s Adult Paperback Reviews
      2. Linda Lovelace
      3. Greenleaf, The Way It Was
      4. Horwitz
      5. New English Library
      6. Interview with D.J. Norman
    10. Other Genres, с. 210-270
      1. Turning On and Dropping Out: Drugs and Counterculture
      2. Scream & Scream Again: Horror Tie-Ins
      3. Herschell Gordon Lewis: The Gore Novels
      4. The Devil Made Them Write It: Witchcraft & The Occult
      5. Witchcraft Magazines
      6. Charles Manson: Paperback’s First True Crime Hero
    11. Miscellaneous Offbeat & Esoteric Titles, с. 271-277
    12. Classic Smut Film Rags , с. 278-214
      1. Adam Film World
      2. Interview with Kevan Jensen
      3. Cinema Blue
      4. Daring Films & Books
      5. Exciting Cinema
      6. Torrid Film Reviews
      7. X-Films
      8. Sex For Sale
      9. 8mm — The Dirty Little Film Gauge
      10. Photo Sets & The Sounds Of Sex
    13. Collector Interviews, с. 315-325
      1. Chris Eckhoff
      2. Miriam Linna
    14. Appendix, с. 326-353
      1. Notable US Publishers and Their Titles
      2. Corinth Paperback Manuscript Guidelines (circa 1965)
      3. 8mm Stag Shorts & Loops: A Partial Listing
    15. Sordid Sources, с. 354-356
    16. Recommended Reading, с. 366-359
    17. Index, с. 360-391


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