Analog Science Fiction and ...

«Analog Science Fiction and Fact, January-February 2013»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


Analog Science Fiction and Fact, January-February 2013

Язык издания: английский

2013 г. (по факту вышла в ноябре 2012 г.)

Тираж: не указан

Страниц: 196


Editor: Stanley Schmidt.

Cover art by David A. Hardy.

Illustrations by Vincent Di Fate.


  1. Reader's Department
    1. Stanley Schmidt. A Very Loud Ho-Hum (эссе) (editorial), 4-6
  2. Short Story
    1. Jerry Oltion. In The Moment (рассказ), 7-11
  3. Science Fact
    1. Michael F. Flynn. The Great Ptolemaic Smackdown and Down-and-Dirty Mud-Wrassle (статья), 12-25
  4. Novellette
    1. Brad R. Torgersen. The Exchange Officers (рассказ), 26-37
  5. Short Story
    1. John G. Hemry. The War of the Worlds, Book One, Chapter 18: The Sergeant-Major (рассказ), 38-46
  6. Special Feature
    1. Richard A. Lovett. Time, Place, and Wonder: The Use of Setting in Short Fiction (статья), 47-54
  7. Probability Zero
    1. Harry Turtledove. We Install (микрорассказ), 55-56
  8. Reader's Departments
    1. Jeffery D. Kooistra. The Alternate View: Islands in Space (эссе), 57-59
    2. Richard A. Lovett. Biolog: Robert Scherrer (эссе), 60
  9. Novellettes
    1. Robert Scherrer. Descartes's Stepchildren (рассказ), 61-72
    2. Amy Thomson. Buddha Nature (рассказ), 73-90
  10. Reader's Department
    1. In Times to Come (анонс следующего номера), 90
  11. Short Story
    1. H. G. Stratmann. Neighborhood Watch (рассказ), 91-99
  12. Probability Zero
    1. Edward M. Lerner. Unplanned Obsolescence (микрорассказ), 100-101
  13. Novellette
    1. Kyle Kirkland. True to Form (рассказ), 102-121
  14. Novellas
    1. Rajnar Vajra. The Woman Who Cried Corpse (повесть), 122-146
    2. Edward M. Lerner. Time Out (повесть), 147-174
  15. Reader's Departments
    1. The Reference Library (reviews), 175-178
      1. Review: "Going Interstellar" by Les Johnson and Jack McDevitt
      2. Review: "Blue Remembered Earth" by Alastair Reynolds
      3. Review: "Win Some, Lose Some" by Mike Resnick
      4. Review: "The Sum of Her Parts" by Alan Dean Foster
      5. Review: "The Great Heinlein Mystery" by Edward M. Wysocki, Jr.
    2. Brass Tacks (letters), 179-180
    3. The 2012 Index, 182-184
    4. Analytical Laboratory Ballot, 185
    5. Upcoming Events, 186

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