Ron Goulart Cheap Thrills ...

Ron Goulart «Cheap Thrills: The Amazing! Thrilling! Astonishing! History of Pulp Fiction»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:

Cheap Thrills: The Amazing! Thrilling! Astonishing! History of Pulp Fiction

Язык издания: английский

Neshannock, PA: Hermes Press, 2007 г.

Тираж: не указан

ISBN: 1-932563-74-1, 978-1932563740

Тип обложки: мягкая

Формат: другой

Страниц: 208


This new updated edition has many nice cover reproductions in full color. The introduction explains how this volume is different from the previous edition. Chapter 13 was added and it shows the actual letters that Goulart received concerning the pulp magazines.

Cover art not credited.


  1. Ron Goulart. Cheap Thrills: The Amazing! Thrilling! Astonishing! History of Pulp Fiction (энциклопедия/справочник)

    1. Introduction, c. 4-7
    2. Preface, с. 8-9
    3. Chapter One. The Pulpwood Era, с. 10-17
    4. Chapter Two. Heroes for Sale, с. 18-25
    5. Chapter Three. Soldiers of Fortune, Etc., с. 26-37
    6. Chapter Four. A.K.A. The Shadow, с. 38-49
    7. Chapter Five. Thank You, Masked Man, с. 50-65
    8. Chapter Six. Doc Savage and His Circle, с. 66-75
    9. Chapter Seven. Special Agents, с. 76-87
    10. Chapter Eight. Dime Detectives, с. 88-105
    11. Chapter Nine. Cowboys, с. 106-121
    12. Chapter Ten. Tarzan and the Barbarians, с. 122-129
    13. Chapter Eleven. Super Science, с. 130-143
    14. Chapter Twelve. Odds and Ends, с. 144-153
    15. Chapter Thirteen. Penny a Word, с. 154-203
    16. Index, с. 204-208


Размер книги: 21,5х27,5 см.

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