The Silver Eel

«The Silver Eel»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


The Silver Eel

Язык издания: английский


Robert P. Barger, 1978 г.

Страниц: 40


Cover art by Tim Kirk, interior art by Gene Day, John Mayer, Jim Pitts, Liz Danforth, Herb Arnold, Martha Fischer, Tim Kirk, John Mayer.


  1. Karl Edward Wagner. Address to the Lankhmar Literary Guild (статья)
  2. Harry Fisher. The Grey Mouser and the Game (эссе)
  3. Anonymous Author. Fritz Lieber: A Few Words (интервью)
  4. Mike Barrett. The Two Greatest Heroes in Lankhmar (эссе)
  5. Bibliography
  6. Thomas M. Egan. The World of Nehwon: Heroic Anarchy (эссе)
  7. Ken St. Andre. A Look at Science Fiction and Fantasy Wargaming (эссе)
  8. Bob Barger. Notes from the Editor (статья)

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