The Saturday Evening Post ...

«The Saturday Evening Post #24 (December 10, 1938)»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


The Saturday Evening Post #24 (December 10, 1938)

Язык издания: английский

1938 г. (декабрь)

Страниц: 112


Cover art by Francis Tipton Hunter.


  1. Bess Streeter Aldrich. Song of Years (part 1 of 7)
  2. Stanley High. Who Organized the Unemployed? (статья)
  3. Charles Rawlings. A Letter Home (рассказ)
  4. Daniel Fuchs. Fortune and Men’s Eyes (рассказ)
  5. Bruce Caldwell. After the Ball is Over (рассказ)
  6. Eleanor Mercein. Where but in England? (рассказ)
  7. Donald B. Tansill. All That’s Psychic Is Not Selling (статья)
  8. Harry Klingsberg. Kepler’s Disciple (рассказ)
  9. George N. Peek, Henry Carter. The Farmer and the Tariff (статья)
  10. Louise Owen. The Disillusioned Fishwife (стихотворение)
  11. Avery L. Giles. Behind the Lines (стихотворение)
  12. W.E. Farbstein. Tuesday Bridge (стихотворение)
  13. Berton Braley. Down but Never Out (стихотворение)
  14. W.W.W.. Open Letter from a Canadian Lady to the Milliners of the United States (стихотворение)
  15. James L. Dilley. Report (стихотворение)
  16. Agatha Christie. Easy to Kill (part 4 of 7)
  17. Archibald Rutledge. My Old Hound Pack (стихотворение)

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