The Cambridge Ancient ...

«The Cambridge Ancient History. Volume VIII. Rome and the Mediterranean to 133 B.C.»

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The Cambridge Ancient History. Volume VIII. Rome and the Mediterranean to 133 B.C.

Язык издания: английский

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press , 1989 г.

Серия: The Cambridge Ancient History

ISBN: 978-0-521-23448-1

Тип обложки: твёрдая + суперобложка

Страниц: 652


Тринадцатая часть коллективной монографии.


  1. Contents, p. V-IX
  2. List of maps, p. X
  3. List of text-figures, p. X
  4. A.E. Astin, F.W. Walbank. Preface, p. XI-XIII
  5. Rome and the Mediterranean to 133 B.C.
    1. A.E. Astin. Chapter 1. Sources, p. 1-16
    2. H.H. Scullard. Chapter 2. The Carthaginians in Spain, p. 17-43
    3. John Briscoe. Chapter 3. The Second Punic War, p. 44-80
    4. R.M. Errington. Chapter 4. Rome and Greece to 205 B.C., p. 81-106
    5. W.V. Harris. Chapter 5. Roman expansion in the west, p. 107-162
    6. A.E. Astin. Chapter 6. Roman government and politics, 200-134 B.C., p. 163-196
    7. R. Gabba. Chapter 7. Rome and Italy in the second century B.C., p. 197-243
    8. R.M. Errington. Chapter 8. Rome against Philip and Antiochus, p. 244-289
    9. P.S. Derow. Chapter 9. Rome, the fall of Macedon and the sack of Corinth, p. 290-323
    10. C. Habicht. Chapter 10. The Seleucids and their rivals, p. 324-387
    11. A.K. Narain. Chapter 11. The Greeks of Bactria and India, p. 388-421
    12. Elizabeth Rawson. Chapter 12. Roman tradition and the Greek world, p. 422-476
    13. Jean-Paul Morel. Chapter 13. The transformation of Italy, 300-133 B.C. The evidence of archaeology, p. 477-516
    14. Three Hellenistic dynasties, p. 517-518
    15. Genealogical tables, p. 518-521
    16. Chronological table, p. 523-541
    17. Bibliographies, p. 543-591
    18. Index, p. 593


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