The Cambridge Ancient ...

«The Cambridge Ancient History. Volume V. The Fifth Century B.C.»

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The Cambridge Ancient History. Volume V. The Fifth Century B.C.

Язык издания: английский

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992 г.

Серия: The Cambridge Ancient History

ISBN: 978-0-521-23347-7

Тип обложки: твёрдая + суперобложка

Страниц: 620


Девятая часть коллективной монографии.


  1. Contents, p. V-VIII
  2. List of maps, p. IX
  3. List of text-figures, p. X-XI
  4. D.M. Lewis, John Boardman, J.K. Davies, M. Ostwald. Preface, p. XIII-XVI
  5. The Fifth Century B.C.
    1. D.M. Lewis. Chapter 1. Sources, chronology, method, p. 1-14
    2. J.K. Davies. Chapter 2. Greece after the Persian Wars, p. 15-33
    3. P.J. Rhodes. Chapter 3, The Delian League to 449 B.C., p. 34-61
    4. P.J. Rhodes. Chapter 4. The Athenian revolution, p. 62-95
    5. D.M. Lewis. Chapter 5. Mainland Greece, 479-451 B.C., p. 96-120
    6. D.M. Lewis. Chapter 6. The Thirty Years' Peace, p. 121-146
    7. D. Asheri. Chapter 7. Sicily, 478-431 B.C., p. 147-170
    8. Chapter 8. Greek culture, religion and society in the fifth century B.C.
      1. J.J. Pollitt. 8a Art: Archaic to Classical, p. 171-183
      2. R.E. Wycherley. 8b. Classical cities and sanctuaries, p. 184-205
      3. R.E. Wycherley. 8c. Rebuilding in Athens and Attica, p. 206-222
      4. N.J. Richardson. 8d. Panhellenic cults and panhellenic poets, p. 223-244
      5. Walter Burkert. 8e. Athenian cults and festivals, p. 245-267
      6. B.M.W. Knox. 8f. Athenian religion and literature, p. 268-286
      7. J.K. Davies. 8g. Society and economy, p. 287-305
      8. M. Ostwald. 8h. Athens as a cultural centre, p. 306-369
    9. D.M. Lewis. Chapter 9. The Archidamian War, p. 370-432
    10. A. Andrewes. Chapter 10. The Peace of Nicias and the Sicilian Expedition, p. 433-463
    11. A. Andrewes. Chapter 11. The Spartan resurgence, p. 464-498
    12. D.M. Lewis. Chronological notes, p. 499-505
    13. Chronological table, p. 506-513
    14. Bibliographies, p. 514-566
    15. Index, p. 567


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