Издательство Aurum Press

Издательство «Aurum Press»

Год открытия: 1976


Aurum Press — основано как независимое издательство, с 2004 года импринт Quatro Group, специализируется на выпуске нехудожественной литературы. Основная тематика — история, область развлечений и спорт. Выпускает до 75 наименований в год.

74-77 White Lion Street, London N1 9PF
0-906053, 0-948149, 1-78131, 1-84513, 1-85410

Всего изданий:


Внесерийные издания

Alien™ Vault: The Definitive Story of the Making of the Film

2011 год

Описание: Lavishly illustrated volume defining the story behind Ridley Scott's Alien.
This book is a high quality hardback, presented in a very nice slide-in box. It is printed on thick semi-gloss paper, and in colour throughout. The content design combines the author's descriptions of each scene and setting, with recollections from various people involved in the production.
The most interesting element of this book is the enclosed "Artifacts", 5 tracing paper pouches hold: a small sized Nostromo blueprint, a sticker badge of the Nostromo Logo, samples of Ridley Scott's Storyboards, Ron Cobb sketch, two Giger illustrations (space jockey & face hugger), a script page sample, and two A4 Alien movie lobby posters.

Magic Words: The Extraordinary Life of Alan Moore

2013 год

Описание: A comprehensive biography of Alan Moore, one of the living masters of comic book writing.
Jacket photographs @ Patrick Fraser.

Green Shades

1991 год

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