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Журнал «Crack Detective»

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Crack Detective

Журнал, год

В произведение входит: по порядкупо годупо рейтингу

  • Detective Yarns
  • Detective Yarns, 1938
  • Detective Yarns, 1939
  • Detective Yarns, 1940
  • Detective Yarns, 1941
  • Black Hood Detective
  • Black Hood Detective, 1941
  • Hooded Detective
  • Hooded Detective, 1941
  • Hooded Detective, 1942
  • Crack Detective
  • Crack Detective, 1942
  • Crack Detective, 1943
  • Crack Detective Stories
  • Crack Detective Stories, 1943
  • Crack Detective Stories, 1944
  • Crack Detective Stories, 1945
  • Crack Detective Stories, 1946
  • Crack Detective Stories, 1947
  • Crack Detective Stories, 1948
  • Crack Detective Stories, 1949
  • Famous Detective
  • Famous Detective, 1949
  • Famous Detective, 1950
  • Famous Detective Stories
  • Famous Detective Stories, 1950
  • Famous Detective Stories, 1951
  • Famous Detective Stories, 1952
  • Famous Detective Stories, 1953
  • Famous Detective Stories, 1954
  • Famous Detective Stories, 1955
  • Famous Detective Stories, 1956
  • Crack Detective and Mystery Stories
  • Crack Detective and Mystery Stories, 1956
  • Crack Detective and Mystery Stories, 1957

Обозначения:   циклы (сворачиваемые)   циклы, сборники, антологии   романы   повести
рассказы   графические произведения   + примыкающие, не основные части


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