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Степфорди Май'О «Breaking Yawn»

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Breaking Yawn

Роман, год; цикл «Умерки»


Heffa Lump is still living at home in Spatula, having graduated from the Spatula Academy of Fictional Excellence, and is looking forward to a life of notoriety as the girlfriend of the fabulously wealthy vampire Teddy Kelledy. Still desperate for fame, Heffa considers entering Undead's Got Talent, judged in part by the fearsome Vindicti; the only problem is, she's not a member of the undead — yet. Torn between becoming a vampire or staying human, she soon realizes that hers and Teddy's love story is so amazing that it alone could make them both famous. As her plans for fame become more elaborate, she graciously allows Teddy to give her a blinging engagement ring and the society wedding of the season, with as much coverage and corporate sponsorship as possible. However, the course of true love and Heffa's frenzied rise to fame is threatened by The Vindicti, who want to make sure that the Kelledys' incredible celebrity power is under their control. Will Heffa ever get fame, fangs, and a fabulously famous family? Will Teddy get the wedding night he lusts after? Hilarious, witty, and intelligent, this is the ideal gift for anyone who loves — or hates — Twilight!

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— цикл «Умерки»

Издания: ВСЕ (1)

Издания на иностранных языках:

Breaking Yawn
2011 г.


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