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Джонатан Сафран Фоер «Review of Contemporary Fiction Vol. 20»

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Review of Contemporary Fiction Vol. 20

Антология, год


Содержание антологии:

  • The Proximity of Brad to Bradford: A Brief Introduction to the Lifework of Bradford Morrow / Jonathan Safran Foer

  • An Interview with Bradford Morrow / Patrick Mcgrath

  • From Ariel / Bradford Morrow

  • Tale of a Tub / Text by Bradford Morrow; Illustrations and Calligraphy by Rikki Ducornet

  • Transforming the Essence: Bradford Morrow's Come Sunday / Brian Evenson

  • You're Dancing? The Occasional Essays of Bradford Morrow / Maureen Howard

  • Amazing Grace: Tracing the Almanac's Branchings / Mary Caponegro

  • Then What ...? / Kurt Jensen

  • Trinity Fields / Forrest Gander

  • Imagining Giovanni's Gift / Jonathan Safran Foer

  • In The Middle Of the Journey: On the Building Site of Bradford Morrow's Trilogy / Sven Birkerts

  • Of Morrow and Tomorrow / Paul West

  • Conjunctions: A Reader's Appreciation / Martin Earl

  • On The Conjunction of Editing and Composition / Peter Gizzi

  • The Leaps and Bounds of Conjunctions / Joanna Scott

  • Only Conjunct! / Robert Creeley

  • A Roving Universe with a Constant Idea / Michael Bergstein

  • Morrow's Conjunctions: A View From Below / William T. Vollmann

  • A Bradford Morrow Checklist

  • В произведение входит:


    Обозначения:   циклы (сворачиваемые)   циклы, сборники, антологии   романы   повести
    рассказы   графические произведения   + примыкающие, не основные части



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