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The Golden State Phantasticks: The California Romantics and Related Subjects: Collected Essays and Reviews

Произведение (прочее), год


The sorcerer departs --

Clark Ashton Smith, poet in prose (1893-1961) --

George Sterling (1869-1926): hesperian laureate --

A garland of poems by George Sterling --

A memoir of Timeus Gaylord --

A visionary of doom: Ambrose Bierce, poet (1842-1914) --

Clark Ashton Smith: the last of the great romantic poets --

A statement of imagination --

The last lutenist: Christian Gottlieb Scheidler --

Francis Marion Crawford: a neglected but not a forgotten master --

F. Marion Crawford: romantist nonpareil --

Robert E. Howard: frontiersman of letters --

Robert E. Howard: epic poet in prose --

The alleged influence of Lord Dunsany on Clark Ashton Smith --

Klarkash-Ton and E'ch-Pi-El: on the alleged influence of H.P. Lovecraft on Clark Ashton Smith --

Nora May French: somewhere between Eulalie and Edna St. Vincent Millay.

Издания: ВСЕ (1)

Издания на иностранных языках:

The Golden State Phantasticks
2012 г.


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