fantlab ru

В планах издательств [на других языках] (1):

The Teeth of Dawn
2025 г.

Авторские книги (1):

Лик полуночи
2022 г.

Антологии и сборники (1):

Чужие. Охота на жуков
2017 г.

Издания на иностранных языках (47):

Mirror Shards: Volume Two
2012 г.
L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XXIX
2013 г.
InterGalactic Medicine Show: Big Book of SF Novelettes
2013 г.
Baen Books: Free Stories 2014
2014 г.
Lightspeed, Issue 49, June 2014
2014 г.
Nightmare, Issue 23, August 2014
2014 г.
Nightmare, Issue 24, September 2014
2014 г.
Nightmare, Issue 26, November 2014
2014 г.
Nightmare, Issue 27, December 2014
2014 г.
Fantasy For Good: A Charitable Anthology
2014 г.
The Best of Galaxy's Edge 2013-2014
2014 г.
Nightmare, Issue 28, January 2015
2015 г.
Nightmare, Issue 29, February 2015
2015 г.
Nightmare, Issue 30, March 2015
2015 г.
Nightmare, Issue 31, April 2015
2015 г.
Nightmare, Issue 32, May 2015
2015 г.
Nightmare, Issue 33, June 2015
2015 г.
Nightmare, Issue 34, July 2015
2015 г.
Nightmare, Issue 35, August 2015
2015 г.
Nightmare, Issue 36, September 2015
2015 г.
Nightmare, Issue 38, November 2015
2015 г.
Nightmare, Issue 39, December 2015
2015 г.
Nightmare, Issue 40, January 2016
2016 г.
Nightmare, Issue 41, February 2016
2016 г.
Nightmare, Issue 42, March 2016
2016 г.
Nightmare, Issue 43, April 2016
2016 г.
Nightmare, Issue 44, May 2016
2016 г.
Nightmare, Issue 46, August 2016
2016 г.
Shimmer 2015: The Collected Stories
2016 г.
Nightmare, Issue 51, December 2016
2016 г.
2017 г.
Aliens: Bug Hunt
2017 г.
2017 г.
The Jim Baen Memorial Award: The First Decade
2017 г.
The Future Is Nigh: A treasury of short fiction by Writers of the Future winning authors
2018 г.
Avatar Dreams: Scientific Visions of Avatar Technology
2018 г.
Uncanny Magazine, Issue Twenty-Two. May-June 2018
2018 г.
2018 г.
Noumenon Infinity
2018 г.
2019 г.
Noumenon Ultra
2020 г.
Galaxy's Edge, Issue 46, September 2020
2020 г.
Weird World War III
2020 г.
Grimdark Magazine, Issue #26
2021 г.
The Helm of Midnight
2021 г.
Activation Degradation
2021 г.
The Cage of Dark Hours
2023 г.

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