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Англоязычные книжные новинки за октябрь 2008 года (часть III)

Статья написана 28 декабря 2008 г. 23:17

  • Лиланд Экстон Модезитт — "The Lord-Protector's Daughter"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, седьмая книга цикла "Corean Chronicles".
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    Аннотация: The Lord-Protector’s Daughter is a standalone fantasy novel that takes place in Tempre, the capital city of Lanachrona on Corus, the world of Modesitt’s Corean Chronicles.

    Mykella, the eldest daughter of the Lord-Protector of Lanachrona, discovers that someone is diverting significant sums of money from her father’s treasury. One of the ancient soarers appears to Mykella, telling her that she must go to the antique stone Table in the cellars of the Palace and find her Talent in order to save her land and her world.

    From there, matters become more perilous. There are attempts to remove Mykella and her sisters from Tempre by marrying them off to lords in neighboring lands, and fatal and near fatal accidents occur to members of her family and trusted retainers. While Mykella develops a solid idea of who stands behind it all, every attempted solution is used to discredit her. How can she save their father and land?

  • Джон Ринго, Тревис Тэйлор (Travis B. Taylor) — "Claws that Catch"

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    О книге: Научно-фантастический роман, четвертая книга цикла "Into the Looking Glass".
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    Аннотация: Humans have come a long ways since the looking glass gates first appeared and an alien menace turned a motley crew of scientists, sailors and force recon Marines into battle-hardened space adventurers. Now with other species running scared, it’s up to humans to take the lead and mold a weapon capable of checking the Dreen—a galactic cancer that has so far proved unstoppable. Their arsenal? A hodge-podge of powerful technologies begged, borrowed and/or looted from across the galaxy and cobbled together on what has to be the strangest ship ever to ply the starways: the good ship Vorpal Blade II!


  • Шарон Шинн (Sharon Shinn) — "Fortune and Fate"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, четвертая часть цикла "Twelve Houses".
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    Аннотация: National bestselling author Sharon Shinn’s “lyrical and entertaining” (Kirkus Reviews) Twelve Houses books have captivated readers and critics alike with their irresistible cocktail of fantasy, romance, and adventure. Now Shinn returns with a new novel set in the same world, where a troubled Warrior Rider named Wen faces her greatest challenge in the last place she ever expected: behind the walls of a great family estate known as Fortune, where Wen has been hired to guard the young heiress. Once there, she will find that fate has other plans for her…


  • М. М. Бакнер (M. M. Buckner) — "Watermind"

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    О книге: Научно-фантастический роман.
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    Аннотация: From storm drains, illegal dumps, and flooded landfills, all of North America’s most advanced technology flows down the Mississippi River—microchips, nano-devices, pharmaceuticals, genetically modified seed—and lodges in the Louisiana delta. Out of this mire emerges a self-organized neural net, drifting in the water: the Watermind. It can freeze, boil, condense, and move—seemingly at will.

    Both infuriating and sympathetic, CJ Reilly is a brilliant, sexy, self-destructive MIT dropout running away from Cambridge and the suicide of her ironic, emotionally-distant father. She is working as a laborer in Devil’s Swamp near Baton Rouge, cleaning up a small pollution spill, when she and her new lover, Max, discover the mysterious Watermind. Reilly’s more interested in investigating it than containing it, but when it kills someone and escapes into the Mississippi, corporations, governments, protesters, the Coast Guard, and a really wacky underground journalist get involved. And there’s no longer any question that it must be destroyed before it reaches the ocean. Watermind is Philip K. Dick meets The Blob, a postmodern combination of camp SF motifs and writerly ambition attacking serious subjects.

  • Рэмси Кэмпбелл — "Inconsequential Tales"

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    О книге: Сборник рассказов. С содержанием сборника можно ознакомиться здесь.
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    Аннотация: Inconsequential Tales is a collection of previous uncollected — and even unpublished — tales by this highly respected modern practitioner of the weird tale.

    Ramsey Campbell is the most distinguished and highly acclaimed writer of horror and supernatural fiction of our time. In more than a score of novels and hundreds of stories, Campbell has demonstrated mastery in every facet of the weird tale. This volume gathers tales, written over a period of more than thirty years, that have not yet been included in any of Campbell’s dozen or more short story collections. Among them are such dark jewels of the supernatural as “The Reshaping of Rossiter,” an early version of the celebrated tale “The Scar”; “Broadcast,” which invests terror in a microphone; “Writer’s Curse,” in which horror writing itself is made a subject of terror; “Murders,” a bizarre mix of horror and science fiction; “Snakes and Ladders,” a powerfully cosmic vignette that served as an early version of “Playing the Game.”

  • Мэтью Кук (Matthew Cook) — "Nights of Sin"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, продолжение романа "Blood Magic" (2007).
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    Аннотация: The besieged Imperial City lies inside the massive wall of the Armitage; outside, the attacking Mor have laid waste to most of the land. The Imperial Court seems unaware of their peril, but Kirin and Lia — who have barely survived the Mor and made their way to the City — know the danger all too well! When Kirin discovers a necromancer who seems to possess her power over blood, she hopes he can help her understand her strange magic. Meanwhile, the deadly Mor are assaulting the walls of the city that shelters them.


  • Дэйв Дункан — "Ill Met in the Arena"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, первая часть сериала "A Series of One".
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    Аннотация: The nobles of Aureity have been breeding their children for psychic powers for generations. Women’s powers are mental, including psychic control and mind-reading, making them ideal rulers. Men have superhuman strength and can teleport to any place they have previously visited. Consequently, young noblemen make their fortune by competing in psychic gladiatorial contests to display their powers in the hope of being hired—and married—by women of high rank.

    When Quirt, an older man with obvious skill but little known record, first enters the arena, the combat circuit is abuzz wondering who he might be. But his mystery is almost eclipsed by the young cub who has been entering competitions anonymously and winning them all. Barely in his teens, full of raw power but short on training or patience, Humate is so horrified when he’s bested by Quirt that he insists on finding out where he came from.

    Unfortunately for Humate, the answer reaches far beyond his birth: back to the terrible wrongs done to Quirt’s mother and his new wife by one of Humate’s relatives, and back to Quirt’s sentencing, a doom which takes away his identity until he can bring the culprit to justice. Humate is in deep denial about this familial scandal generations deep, but Quirt must try to covince him to help, compelled by his doom and by the stirrings of a new love that cannot possibly be realized in his nameless condition.

    No one ever said revenge was going to be easy.

  • Диана Фараон Франсис (Diana Pharaoh Francis) — "The Black Ship"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, вторая часть цикла "Crosspointe".
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    Аннотация: Thorn is a member of the Pilot’s Guild—those who possess the magical ability to navigate Crosspointe’s deadly seas. When a malevolent master within the Guild bans him from the sea, it seems his life is over. Then he is kidnapped and forced to serve aboard the rogue ship Eidolon—pitch black from bow to stern—and Thorn finds himself battling a mad captain, a mutinous crew, and the terrifying magic of the sea.

    But there is a saboteur on board, trying to make sure the Eidolon never arrives safely in port. Thorn begins to realize his kidnapping may have been no mere chance— and that the cargo the black ship carries may seal his doom…

  • Сара А. Хойт — "Gentleman Takes a Chance"

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    О книге: Городское фэнтези, вторая часть цикла "Shifters".
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    Аннотация: There are those living secretly among us who have the power to change their physical form from that of a human to an animal, even animals thought to be mythical, such as dragons. Throughout out the ages, these shape shifters have come together in a loose organization to protect themselves from humans—and other shape shifters. According to their code, killing another shifter is a crime, no matter if the shifter was slaughtering humans.

    Kyrie Smith, a young panther shifter, must decide where she will stand: with her group or with humanity at large. And she’ll have to do it while both older shifters and her boyfriend Tom Ormson—a dragon shifter—push her from quandary to quandary and police detective Rafiel Thrall—who happens to be a lion shifter—demands her help in solving mysterious murders that he suspects have been committed by a shifter. But when Tom begins getting telepathic warnings from the Great Sky Dragon that his life is in danger, the same dragon who recently almost killed him, he and Kyrie realize that much more is involved than a homicidal shape shifter.

    Someone—or something—has been killing shifters in large numbers, and the most ancient and powerful of shifters are converging on the city to find the killer. And anyone, human or shifter, who gets in their way will be eliminated without mercy. . . .

  • Сара А. Хойт — "Heart and Soul"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, альтернативная история, третья часть цикла "Magical British Empire".
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    Аннотация: Within the magical realm of a Victorian British Empire that never was, one man embarks on a fantastic mission that dates back to the first true king of Europe and that may determine the fate of the last true emperor of China–and the world.

    When Nigel Oldhall hires on to pilot a magic carpetship under the name of Enoch Jones, it seems the perfect way for him to travel without attracting attention. For the English nobleman has in his possession the two most powerful jewels in the universe. His mission is to return them to their shrine in deepest Africa, restoring order to the world–and to his life. But he doesn’t count on being attacked by Chinese pirates–or being held captive by a shape-shifting beauty…

    Daughter of the Dragon King, sister of the new True Emperor of All Under Heaven, Red Jade is also on a mission: to reclaim the royal status stolen from her family by invaders. Since their expulsion, they have ruled only a mystical shadow-realm. Now, with the jewels in her sight, Red Jade has the chance to rule all. But she soon finds herself, and Enoch, trapped in a scheme that may cause her to change loyalties–and discover her heart’s true destiny.

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