Англоязычные книжные новинки

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Англоязычные книжные новинки за октябрь 2008 года (часть IV)

Статья написана 28 декабря 2008 г. 23:16

  • Пола Джонсон (Paula Johanson) — "Tower in the Crooked Wood"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман.
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    Аннотация: Jenia is magically transported from her island tribe to become a slave under vicious rule — but only for a day and a night. Jenia leaves her home to find the location of the Tower to try to free the dying slaves and comes across a village with a culture very different from her own.


  • Эдвард Лернер — "Fools' Experiments"

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    О книге: Научно-фантастический роман. Это посткиберпанк о кибернетической форме жизни, предназначенной для военных целей, которая распространилась через Интернет. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________

    Аннотация: We are not alone, and it’s our own damn fault ...

    Something demonic is stalking the brightest men and women in the computer industry. It attacks without warning or mercy, leaving its prey insane, comatose--or dead.

    Something far nastier than any virus, worm, or Trojan horse program is being evolved in laboratory confinement by well-intentioned but misguided researchers. When their artificial life-form escapes onto the Internet, no conventional defense against malicious software can begin to compete. As disasters multiply, computer scientist Doug Carey knows that unconventional measures may be civilization’s last hope.

    And that any artificial life-form learns very fast ….

  • Мария Лима (Maria Lima) — "Blood Bargain"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, вторая книга цикла "Blood Lines".
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    Аннотация: Keira Kelly is coming into her unexpected and unexpectedly awesome powers... and Rio Seco, Texas ain't ever gonna be the same! Keira just wants to be left alone without many responsibilities to her supernatural clan and, lately, spend some time with sexy Adam Walker — a vampire trying to get his brethren to give up human blood — on his luxurious Wild Moon ranch. But trouble and her paranormal family keep intruding — Gigi, Keira's great-great-grandmother and the chief of the clan has sent Tucker, Keira's 1,200-year-old shapeshifter brother to keep an eye on her!


  • Девон Монк (Devon Monk) — "Magic to the Bone"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, вторая книга цикла "Allie Beckstrom".
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    Аннотация: Using magic means it uses you back, and every spell exacts a price from its user. But some people get out of it by Offloading the cost of magic onto an innocent. Then it’s Allison Beckstrom’s job to identify the spell-caster. Allie would rather live a hand-to-mouth existence than accept the family fortune—and the strings that come with it. But when she finds a boy dying from a magical Offload that has her father’s signature all over it, Allie is thrown back into his world of black magic. And the forces she calls on in her quest for the truth will make her capable of things that some will do anything to control...


  • Энди Ремик (Andy Remic) — "BioHell"

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    О книге: Научно-фантастический роман, вторая часть цикла "Combat-K".
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    Аннотация: The Combat-K squad are back in this new novel by War Machine author Andy Remic. In BioHell they must battle a nano-generated zombie plague and try to uncover the cause of these deformed mutations. And soon their focus is on the darkness at the Nano-Tek corporation…


  • Денис Россетти (Denise Rossetti) -"The Flame and the Shadow"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, первая книга цикла "Four-Sided Pentacle series".
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    Аннотация: A sizzling new fantasy series from a hot new talent.

    Some are drawn to the light. Some are drawn to the dark. Some desire both…

    Grayson of Concordia, known on countless worlds as the Duke of Ombra, is a mercenary, a sorcerer of shadows—a man whose soul is consumed by darkness. For Gray, the bleak savagery in his heart is manifest in an entity he calls Shad. He has long resisted Shad’s enticements, but when he is hired to kidnap a fire witch, he seizes the chance to restore his soul—no matter the cost.

    Cenda’s heart is ash. Since the death of her precious baby daughter, life has lost all meaning for the fire witch. Slowly, she has worked to master her powers and go on living. But when she encounters Gray, her will is no match for her desire. But her love may not survive the terrible discovery of Gray’s betrayal…

  • Холли Блэк & Тэд Найфех (Ted Naifeh) — "The Good Neighbors, Book One: Kin"

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    О книге: Графическмй фэнтези-роман, первая книга цикла "The Good Neighbors". Холли Блэк известна российскому читателю как автор цикла "Спайдервик".
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    Аннотация: Naifeh's distinctive art complements the story nicely, capturing the angry-teen-meets-faerie mood just fine, with a gothic edge that's a pleasant change from the too-pretty manga so popular these days.


  • Дебора Честер (Deborah Chester) — "The Crown"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, вторая книга цикла "The Pearls and the Crown".
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    Аннотация: Deborah Chester, national bestselling author of the acclaimed fantasy trilogy The Sword, The Ring, and The Chalice, now concludes the riveting saga of a princess blessed by light…and a warrior consumed by darkness.


  • Карлос Кортес (Carlos Cortes) — Perfect Circle"

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    О книге: Научно-фантастический роман.
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    Аннотация: Set in the impenetrable jungles of the African Congo, this fast-paced debut tells the tale of a world poised for ecological crisis–and the secret that could save it. From corporate profiteers to the natives who’ve been expecting them, here is a story that asks if man and nature are fated to clash–or if the right man can break the cycle.

    Heir to a mining dynasty, geologist Paul Reece has chosen a simple life over the scheming opportunism of the International Mining Company. But when IMC approaches him about their mysterious discovery miles beneath the rain forest, Paul is compelled to set aside the sordid event that drove him from his legacy. For the project requires not only a brilliant engineer but one gutsy enough to descend 20,000 feet of solid rock–into the heart of a miracle. With Paul’s expertise, IMC can unearth a windfall–unless Paul decides to bury them first.

    But Paul isn’t alone in his quest. Congo’s mystics have prepared for this day. Paul doesn’t realize it yet, but he’s been chosen to pilot a mission that will decide the fate of humanity.

  • Эрик Флинт & Вирджиния Димарки (Virginia De Marce) — "1635: The Dreeson Incident"

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    О книге: Фэнтези-роман, альтернативная история. Роман входит в цикл "Assiti Shards".
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    Аннотация: The Thirty Years War continues to ravage 17th century Europe, but a new force is gathering power and influence: the Confederated Principalities of Europe, an alliance between Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, and the West Virginians from the 20th century led by Mike Stearns who were hurled centuries into the past by a mysterious cosmic accident.

    While the old entrenched rulers and manipulators continue to plot against this new upstart nation, everyday life goes on in Grantville, the town lost in time, with librarians, firefighters, and garbage collectors trying to make do under unusual circumstances. And what better place for an undercover spy from France than working with the garbage collectors, examining 20th century machines that others throw out and copying the technology (though he wishes one device—the paper shredder—had been left behind in the future).

    There are more sinister agents at work, however. One of them, Ducos, almost succeeded in assassinating the Pope, but his plan was ruined by quick action by a few Americans. Now, the would-be assassin not only has a score to settle, but has also decided on two excellent targets: Grantville's leader Mike Stearns and his wife Rebecca. . . .

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