Весенняя конференция CD

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Весенняя конференция CD Project

Статья написана 5 апреля 2012 г. 12:24

Сегодня в 5:00 PM GMT состоится весенняя конференция CD Project. Обещали плюшки для любителей Ведьмака и какие-то сюрпризы и подарки от обновленного GOG.com.

Прямая трансляция будет в том числе на сайте GOG.


We’ll be talking about:
  1. The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition release for PC and Xbox 360

  2. A special surprise for all The Witcher 2 fans

  3. Other great details about what’s coming soon for The Witcher 2

  4. Something unique for gaming enthusiasts all over the world

  5. AND! Stay tuned after our part of the show and see what incredible changes have come to GOG.com


People say it is not spring until you can plant your foot upon twelve daisies. GOG.com has proven otherwise, and you knew it’s spring after eight daisies already: Legend of Grimrock, Treasure Adventure Game, Trine, The Whispered World, Machinarium, Wing Commander 4, Spacechem, and Darwinia. However, as many a sudden change takes place on a spring day, we’re about to reveal another four amazing daisies tomorrow during CD Projekt RED Group Spring Conference.

The harvest of a whole year depends on what you sow in the springtime. And this year, oh boy, we’re into some serious sowing. During CD Projekt RED Group Spring Conference we will:

  1. tell you what has changed on GOG.com in case you missed it

  2. offer a sneak peek at future GOG.com releases

  3. give you a special gift as a big, sweet “thank you” to our users
Remember that those who arrive to the spring first, drink the purest water-- or

Remember that spring won't come from one flower--we need plenty of you to watch the CD Projekt RED Group Spring Conference

Тэги: Games, Witcher, Video


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