Gothic Science Fiction 1980 ...

«Gothic Science Fiction: 1980-2010»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:


Gothic Science Fiction: 1980-2010

первое издание

Язык издания: английский

Составители: ,

Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2011 г. (октябрь)

Серия: Liverpool Science Fiction Texts and Studies, #41

Тираж: не указан

ISBN: 978-1-84631-707-1

Тип обложки: твёрдая + суперобложка

Формат: другой

Страниц: 240


The essays explore questions of genre, medical science, gender, biopower, capitalism, with Gothic science fiction texts understood as uniquely inflected for their time and place.

Cover art «Automaton» by Almacan.

Design by Emily Wilkinson.


  1. Acknowledgements, c. ix-ix
  2. Illustrations, c. x-x
  3. Adam Roberts. Foreword (статья), c. xi-xiv
  4. Contributors, c. xv-xix
  5. Sara Wasson, Emily Alder. Introduction (статья), с. 1-18
  6. Part I: Redefining Genres
    1. Roger Luckhurst. In the Zone: Topologies of Genre Weirdness (статья), с. 21-35
    2. Fred Botting. Zombie Death Drive: Between Gothic and Science Fiction (статья), с. 36-54
  7. Part II: Biopower & Capital
    1. Aris Mousoutzanis. ‘Death is Irrelevant’: Gothic Science Fiction and the Biopolitics of Empire (статья), с. 57-72
    2. Sara Wasson. ‘A Butcher’s Shop where the Meat Still Moved’: Gothic Doubles, Organ Harvesting and Human Cloning (статья), с. 73-86
    3. Laurence Davies. Guillermo del Toro’s Cronos, or the Pleasures of Impurity (статья), с. 87-101
    4. Gwyneth Peaty. Infected with Life: Neo-Supernaturalism and the Gothic Zombie (статья), с. 102-115
    5. Emily Alder. Ruined Skin: Gothic Genetics and Human Identity in Stephen Donaldson’s Gap Cycle (статья), с. 116-130
  8. Part III: Gender and Genre
    1. Mark P. Williams. The Superheated, Superdense Prose of David Conway: Gender and Subjectivity Beyond The Starry Wisdom (статья), с. 133-148
    2. Jerrilyn McGregory. Spatialized Ontologies: Toni Morrison’s Science Fiction Traces in Gothic Spaces (статья), с. 149-167
    3. Nickianne Moody. The Gothic Punk Milieu in Popular Narrative Fictions (статья), с. 168-188
    4. Laura Hilton. Gothic Science Fiction in the Steampunk Graphic Novel The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (статья), с. 189-208
  9. Index, с. 209-219


Размер книги: 16х24 см.

Информация об издании предоставлена: teron

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