Amazing Stories August 1980

«Amazing Stories, August 1980»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


Amazing Stories, August 1980

Язык издания: английский

1980 г. (август)

Страниц: 132


Cover art by Chris Foss.


  1. Tom Staicar. Review: 21st Century Foss by Chris Foss (рецензия)
  2. Tom Staicar. The Interstellar Connection
  3. Tom Staicar. Review: Lord Valentine's Castle by Robert Silverberg (рецензия)
  4. Tom Staicar. Review: Far Future Calling by Olaf Stapledon (рецензия)
  5. Tom Staicar. Review: Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature: A Checklist , 1700-1974, with Contemporary Science Fiction Authors II by R. Reginald (рецензия)
  6. Steve Fahnestalk. Fans, Prose & Cons: Part the Next: A Convention Concatenation
  7. Steven Dimeo. Film Focus: The Empire Strikes Back (рецензии)
  8. Darrell Schweitzer. An Interview with Ron Goulart (интервью)
  9. Britton Bloom. Amazing Facts: Velikovsky: Visions of Cosmic Catastrophe
  10. Gregory Benford. Titan Falling (рассказ)
  11. Daniel Gilbert. Visions of Diana (рассказ)
  12. Joel Richards. Speedplay (рассказ)
  13. Joel Richards. Joel Richards (Fruchtman) (статья)
  14. Wayne Wightman. Metamind (рассказ)
  15. Wayne Wightman. Wayne Wightman (статья)

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