Jean Chesneaux The Political ...

Jean Chesneaux «The Political and Social Ideas of Jules Verne»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:

The Political and Social Ideas of Jules Verne

авторская книга, первое издание

Язык издания: английский

London: Thames & Hudson, 1972 г. (по факту вышла в феврале 1973 г.)

Тираж: не указан

ISBN: 0-500-01084-6

Тип обложки: твёрдая + суперобложка

Формат: другой

Страниц: 224


Provides an engaging and original view of Jules Verne, an outstandingly talented story-teller. Also gives insight into French social and political attitudes in the second half of the nineteenth century.

With 41 illustrations from the original editions of novels by Jules Verne.

Cover art not credited.


  1. Jean Chesneaux. The Political and Social Ideas of Jules Verne (монография, перевод T. Wikeley)

    1. Political chronology, с. 8-10
    2. I. The bourgeois façade and what it concealed, c. 11-22
    3. II. Science and its machines, c. 23-44
    4. III. The 1848 tradition, c. 45-68
    5. IV. The echo of utopian socialism, c. 69-86
    6. V. Libertarian individualism, c. 87-111
    7. VI. Colonial people: "good savages" and "bad savages", c. 112-126
    8. VII. Chance and providence, c. 127-139
    9. VIII. Nationalism and Internationalism, c. 140-149
    10. IX. The American mirage and the American peril, c. 150-164
    11. X. Gold and silver, c. 165-180
    12. XI. Progress or pessimism: the future of mankind, c. 181-195
    13. XII. A political interpretation of Jules Verne, c. 196-208
    14. Notes to the text, c. 209-215
    15. Bibliography, c. 216-218
    16. List of illustrations, c. 219-220
    17. Index, c. 221-224


Размер книги: 166x231 мм.

Информация об издании предоставлена: ameshavkin, teron

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