The Science Fiction of Iain ...

«The Science Fiction of Iain M. Banks»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:


The Science Fiction of Iain M. Banks

первое издание

Язык издания: английский

Составители: , ,

Canterbury: Gylphi, 2018 г. (январь)

Серия: SF Story Worlds: Critical Studies in Science Fiction, # 5

Тираж: не указан

ISBN: 978-1-78024-054-1

Тип обложки: мягкая

Формат: другой

Страниц: 282


A scholarly analysis of the science fiction of Iain M. Banks.

Cover art by Мeg Frank.


  1. Abbreviations, c. ix-ix
  2. List of Illustrations, c. x-x
  3. Acknowledgements, c. xi-xi
  4. David Haddock. A Timeline of Iain (M.) Banks’s (Science) Fiction, c. xiii-xx
  5. Joseph Norman, Nick Hubble, Esther MacCallum-Stewart. Introduction (статья), с. 1-17
  6. Part One. Iain (M.) Banks
    1. Ken MacLeod. Only Matter is Innocent: Iain Banks as Science Fiction Reader, Writer and Fan (статья), с. 21-35
    2. David Smith. A Conversation with Iain (M.) Banks (интервью), с. 37-57
  7. Part Two. Questions of Genre
    1. Nick Hubble. «Once upon a time, over the gravity well and far away…»: Fairy-Tale Narratives in Iain Banks’s Science Fiction (статья), с. 61-78
    2. Joseph Norman. Hearing the Culture: Music and Utopianism in Iain M. Banks’s Space Opera (статья), с. 79-99
    3. Martyn Colebrook. Playing Games with Gods: Iain M. Banks and John Fowles (статья), с. 101-117
  8. Part Three. Banks and the Playing of Games
    1. Esther MacCallum-Stewart. The Gaming of Players: Jamming Azad (статья), с. 121-142
    2. Ian Sturrock. Making and Playing Azad at Loncon 3: The Theory and Practice of Designing an Impossible Game (статья), с. 143-165
    3. Jo Lindsay Walton. Forceful and Fuzzy Games in the Novels of Iain M. Banks (статья), с. 167-191
  9. Part Four. Death and Other Limit Points
    1. Jude Roberts. «Cannibals from Outer Space!»: Symbolic Violence and the Cannibalism of the Other (статья), с. 195-210
    2. Jim Clarke. The Sublime in Iain M. Banks’s «Culture» Novels (статья), с. 211-226
    3. Robert Duggan. Inside the Whale and Outside Context Problems (статья), с. 227-248
  10. Notes on Contributors, с. 249-252
  11. Index, с. 253-259


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