The Magazine of Fantasy ...

«The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, January 1987»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, January 1987

Язык издания: английский

1987 г. (январь)

Формат: 80х108/32 (130х190 мм)

Страниц: 164


Cover art by David A. Hardy.


  1. Robin Scott. The Greening of Mrs. Edmiston (short story), р. 6-14
  2. Algis Budrys. Books (review), р. 16-24
  3. Ian Watson. Salvage Rites (short story), р. 25-35
  4. Cooper McLaughlin. The Order of the Peacock Angel (novelet), р. 36-73
  5. Paul J. McAuley. The Temporary King (novelet), р. 74-94
  6. Dean Whitlock. The Million-Dollar Wound (short story), р. 95-103
  7. Avram Davidson, Grania Davis. Addrict (short story), р. 104-109
  8. Robert F. Young. What Bleak Land (short story), р. 110-126
  9. E. Bertrand Loring. The Man Who Wrote Shakespeare (short story), р. 127-134
  10. Isaac Asimov. Opposite! (essay), р. 135-144
  11. Jonathan Carroll. Friend's Best Man (short story), р. 145-159


На обложке журнала иллюстрация к рассказу Й. Уотсона.

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