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Джек Керуак «Последнее слово»

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Последнее слово

The Last Word

Статья, год


«THE LAST WORD» (Escapade, 1959-1961)

1: «My position in the current American literary scene ...» (June 1959)

2: «Who told Willy Mays to change his batting stance ...» (August 1959)

3: «Because none of us want to think ...» (October 1959)

4: «Inside it is a perfect round bowl ...» (December 1959) (Excerpt from Lonesome Traveler: Mexican Fellaheen)

5: «The history of the world is bloody ...» (February 1960)

6: «Intriguing thoughts about the Berlin Question ...» (April 1960)

7: «The American press is beginning to have ...» (June 1960)

8: «Travel isn't as good as it seems ...» (August 1960) (Excerpt from Lonesome Traveler: Big Trip to Europe)

9: «Zen is not letting yourself be horsewhipped ...» (October 1960)

10: «Ten years ago my good friend Seymour Wyse ...» (December 1960)

11: «The mad road, lonely, leading around the bend ...» (April 1961) (Excerpt from Visions of Cody)

Входит в:

— сборник «Good Blonde & Others», 1993 г.

Издания: ВСЕ (1)
русский (1)
книги (1)
М. Немцов (1)

Видения Жерара. Бродяги Дхармы. Биг Сур
2002 г.


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