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The Governor's Ladies

Роман, год


The year is 1775, and the setting is not London but Boston, Massachusetts, a town seething with unrest as it balances on the brink between war and peace. With loyalties and love stretched to their limits, the lives of Thomas Gage, his wife Margaret and his exotic young slave Sara, become inexorably intertwined.

For many years, Thomas believed he did not have the time or the inclination for romance, but everything changed when he met and fell in love with the vivacious Margaret Kemble, whose hand he eventually won in marriage. Years of happiness ensued in which he rose to become the British Governor of Massachusetts.

But in 1775 the ever-building tensions in the troubled state suddenly erupt into violence. Having risen through the army ranks before meeting Margaret, Thomas has known many battles in his time. But this one — the War of Independence — is different; there are personal passions and beliefs involved. Being a British Governor living in America means that Thomas's allegiances, and those of his American wife, are sharply divided.

A remarkable and thoroughly researched historical novel, The Governor's Ladies explores the complexities of human nature amidst the turmoil of love, loss, betrayal and revenge.

In this anxious time, Thomas seeks solace through teaching his pretty black slave, Sara, the simple pleasures of reading and writing. But with conflict, heartbreak and death close at hand, threatening to engulf all involved, can true love and happiness ever prevail for the Governor and his lady?


Под псевдонимом Deryn Lake.


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