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Все издания Терри Карра (Terry Carr)

Антологии и сборники (2):

Небесное святилище
1995 г.
Окончательный ответ
2002 г.

Самиздат и фэнзины (1):

Новые Опасные видения
2020 г.

Издания на иностранных языках (282):

Famous Fantastic Mysteries December 1949
1949 г.
Fantastic Adventures, February 1950
1950 г.
Fantastic Adventures, May 1950
1950 г.
Fantastic Adventures, September 1950
1950 г.
Fantastic Adventures, August 1950
1950 г.
Famous Fantastic Mysteries April 1950
1950 г.
Fantastic Adventures № 3
1950 г.
Fantastic Adventures, September 1951
1951 г.
Fantastic Adventures, December 1951
1951 г.
Fantastic Adventures, February 1951
1951 г.
Fantastic Adventures, June 1951
1951 г.
Fantastic Adventures № 6
1951 г.
Fantastic Adventures № 7
1951 г.
Fantastic Adventures, January 1952
1952 г.
Fantastic Adventures, December 1952
1952 г.
Fantastic Story Magazine, July 1953
1953 г.
Fantastic Adventures № 16
1953 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, November 1962
1962 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 1962
1962 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, July 1962
1962 г.
If, March 1963
1963 г.
The Star Wasps / Warlord of Kor
1963 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Twelfth Series
1963 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1963
1963 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1964
1964 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 1964
1964 г.
Invasion from 2500
1964 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fourteenth Series
1965 г.
The Saint Mystery Magazine, July 1965
1965 г.
World's Best Science Fiction: 1965
1965 г.
Startling Mystery Stories, Fall 1966
1966 г.
World's Best Science Fiction: 1966
1966 г.
Science Fiction for People Who Hate Science Fiction
1966 г.
If, May 1967
1967 г.
If, December 1967
1967 г.
New Worlds of Fantasy
1967 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Twelfth Series
1967 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, 12th Series
1967 г.
World's Best Science Fiction: 1967
1967 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 1967
1967 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1967
1967 г.
Galaxy Science Fiction, February 1968
1968 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, January 1968
1968 г.
World's Best Science Fiction: 1968
1968 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, 14th Series
1968 г.
Science Fiction for People Who Hate Science Fiction
1968 г.
The Farthest Reaches
1968 г.
Galaxy Science Fiction, May 1969
1969 г.
World's Best Science Fiction
1969 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, №14
1969 г.
The Others
1969 г.
World's Best Science Fiction: 1969
1969 г.
First Step Outward
1969 г.
World's Best Science Fiction: 1969
1969 г.
The Farthest Reaches
1969 г.
Step Outside Your Mind
1969 г.
Nebula Award Stories Four
1969 г.
World's Best Science Fiction: Fourth Series
1970 г.
World's Best Science Fiction: 1970
1970 г.
On Our Way to the Future
1970 г.
New Worlds of Fantasy #2
1970 г.
World's Best Science Fiction First Series
1970 г.
World's Best Science Fiction: Second Series
1970 г.
World's Best Science Fiction: Third Series
1970 г.
World's Best Science Fiction: 1970
1970 г.
World's Best Science Fiction: 1971
1971 г.
A Pocketful of Stars
1971 г.
Universe 1
1971 г.
Nebula Award Stories Four
1971 г.
The World's Best S.F. 1
1971 г.
New Worlds of Fantasy #3
1971 г.
World's Best Science Fiction: 1971
1971 г.
Nebula Award Stories 4
1971 г.
Fantastic, April 1972
1972 г.
Bug-Eyed Monsters
1972 г.
Universe 2
1972 г.
Beyond Control
1972 г.
Again, Dangerous Visions
1972 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year
1972 г.
A Pocketful of Stars
1972 г.
This Side of Infinity
1972 г.
Tomorrow's Alternatives
1973 г.
Science Fiction Tales
1973 г.
Alpha 4
1973 г.
Other Dimensions
1973 г.
Into the Unknown
1973 г.
No Mind of Man: Three Original Novellas of Science Fiction
1973 г.
No Mind of Man
1973 г.
Deep Space
1973 г.
Demon Kind
1973 г.
Infinity Five
1973 г.
An Exaltation of Stars
1973 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #2
1973 г.
Saving Worlds
1973 г.
New Dimensions 3
1973 г.
Universe 3
1973 г.
Universe 3
1973 г.
Fellowship of the Stars
1974 г.
Cosmic Laughter: Science Fiction for the Fun of It
1974 г.
Future Kin
1974 г.
New Dimensions III
1974 г.
New Dimensions III
1974 г.
Beyond Control
1974 г.
Bug-Eyed Monsters
1974 г.
A Pocketful of Stars
1974 г.
An Exaltation of Stars
1974 г.
Universe 4
1974 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #3
1974 г.
The Wounded Planet
1974 г.
Other Dimensions
1974 г.
New Dimensions IV
1974 г.
Worlds Near and Far
1974 г.
Deep Space
1974 г.
Universe 5
1974 г.
1974 г.
Universe One
1975 г.
Universe 4
1975 г.
Tomorrow: New Worlds of Science Fiction
1975 г.
Universe 3
1975 г.
Universe 5
1975 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #4
1975 г.
Creatures from Beyond
1975 г.
Blake's Progress
1975 г.
Universe 2
1976 г.
Alpha 6
1976 г.
Planets of Wonder
1976 г.
Deep Space
1976 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year 5
1976 г.
Universe 5
1976 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year
1976 г.
Universe 6
1976 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #2
1976 г.
Mutants: Eleven Stories of Science Fiction
1976 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #3
1976 г.
Seas of Ernathe
1976 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #5
1976 г.
The Aliens: Seven Stories of Science Fiction
1976 г.
The Noreascon Proceedings
1976 г.
The Light at the End of the Universe
1976 г.
The Ides of Tomorrow
1976 г.
Alien Worlds
1976 г.
Alpha 7
1977 г.
Universe 4
1977 г.
Universe 7
1977 г.
1977 г.
The Infinite Arena
1977 г.
1977 г.
1977 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #6
1977 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #6
1977 г.
Universe 6
1977 г.
Deep Space
1977 г.
To Follow a Star
1977 г.
Science Fiction: Contemporary Mythology
1978 г.
Best Science Fiction of the Year: 1, Part Two
1978 г.
Best Science Fiction of the Year - 1: Part One
1978 г.
Universe 8
1978 г.
1978 г.
Science Fiction: Contemporary Mythology
1978 г.
The Year's Finest Fantasy
1978 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #7
1978 г.
Universe 7
1978 г.
Universe 5
1978 г.
Classic Science Fiction: The First Golden Age
1978 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1978
1978 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year 7
1978 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #8
1979 г.
1979 г.
1979 г.
Universe 9
1979 г.
Beyond Reality
1979 г.
The Year's Finest Fantasy
1979 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #8
1979 г.
Universe 8
1979 г.
The Year's Finest Fantasy Volume 2
1979 г.
1979 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #8
1979 г.
The Best Science Fiction Novellas of the Year #1
1979 г.
The Science Fictional Solar System
1979 г.
The Best of New Dimensions
1979 г.
The Science Fictional Solar System
1980 г.
Odabrane naučno-fantastične priče
1980 г.
Universe 9
1980 г.
Universe 9
1980 г.
Orion's Sword
1980 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #9
1980 г.
Universe 10
1980 г.
The Best Science Fiction Novellas of the Year #2
1980 г.
Dream's Edge
1980 г.
Dream's Edge
1980 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #9
1980 г.
A Treasury of Modern Fantasy
1981 г.
The Future I
1981 г.
The Science Fictional Solar System
1981 г.
Fantasy Annual III
1981 г.
Universe 11
1981 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #10
1981 г.
Stellar #7
1981 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #10
1981 г.
Fantasy Annual IV
1981 г.
The Science Fictional Solar System
1982 г.
The Cacher of the Rye
1982 г.
Fantasy Annual IV
1982 г.
Universe 12
1982 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #11
1982 г.
The Road to Science Fiction #4: From Here to Forever
1982 г.
Best Science Fiction of the Year 11
1982 г.
Universe 10
1982 г.
Fantasy Annual V
1982 г.
Universe 12
1983 г.
Magic for Sale
1983 г.
Die schönsten Science Fiction Stories des Jahres: Band 1
1983 г.
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, January 1983
1983 г.
Histoires d'envahisseurs
1983 г.
Universe 13
1983 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #12
1983 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #12
1983 г.
Universe 12
1983 г.
100 Great Fantasy Short Short Stories
1984 г.
Light Years and Dark
1984 г.
The Best from Universe
1984 г.
The Wild Shore
1984 г.
Green Eyes
1984 г.
Universe 14
1984 г.
1984 г.
Top Science Fiction: The Authors' Choice
1984 г.
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #13
1984 г.
1984 г.
Them Bones
1984 г.
Best SF of the Year #13
1984 г.
Top Science Fiction: The Authors' Choice
1985 г.
In the Drift
1985 г.
Universe 13
1985 г.
Top Fantasy
1985 г.
Terry Carr's Best Science Fiction of the Year
1985 г.
Universe 15
1985 г.
100 Great Fantasy Short Short Stories
1985 г.
Best SF of the Year 14
1985 г.
Best SF of the Year 14
1985 г.
1985 г.
Universe 16
1985 г.
Between Two Worlds / Messages Found in an Oxygen Bottle
1986 г.
De beste Science Fiction verhalen
1986 г.
Top SF 2
1986 г.
Universe 13
1986 г.
Universe 14
1986 г.
Fandom Harvest
1986 г.
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume IV
1986 г.
Terry Carr's Best Science Fiction of the Year #15
1986 г.
Best SF of the Year 15
1986 г.
Best SF of the Year 15
1986 г.
The Hercules Text
1986 г.
Roger Caras' Treasury of Great Cat Stories
1987 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, May 1987
1987 г.
The Net
1987 г.
Universe 17
1987 г.
1987 г.
Terry Carr's Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year #16
1987 г.
Universe 15
1987 г.
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Four
1987 г.
Best SF of the Year 16
1987 г.
The Portable Carl Brandon
1988 г.
1988 г.
The Incompleat Terry Carr, Volume One
1988 г.
Terry's Universe
1988 г.
Terry's Universe
1988 г.
Orion's Sword
1989 г.
Top Science Fiction. Band 3
1990 г.
Masters of Fantasy
1992 г.
The Road to Science Fiction: Volume 4: From Here to Forever
2003 г.
Warlord of Kor
2006 г.
Warlord of Kor
2006 г.
Warlord of Kor
2008 г.
2009 г.
Beyond Control
2009 г.
Invasion from 2500
2011 г.
Warlord of Kor
2012 г.
The Light at the End of the Universe
2012 г.
2012 г.
2013 г.
Fandom Harvest II
2019 г.
Invasion From 2500
2019 г.

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