книги в будущем

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книги в будущем

Статья написана 26 января 2011 г. 14:19

I also anticipate at least one of the major publishers crumbling back into its component imprints, which will actually be a good thing--indeed, it'll be the thing that will allow ebooks to come down to the $3-5 price range. There's a lot of whining about how print costs are only 10% of the cover price of a book, so ebooks prices can only sink so low, but the plain fact is that publisher overhead, specifically in the forms of Manhattan real estate and payouts to distributors with giant warehouses, are both utterly superfluous and easily eliminated. The major houses are pigs and some of them are going to die. We should gleefully bathe in their blood and fat!

хороший mind meld o том, что будет с книгоизданием в будущем


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