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Роберт Бойер, Кеннет Дж. Захорски «The Phoenix Tree: An Anthology of Myth Fantasy»

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The Phoenix Tree: An Anthology of Myth Fantasy

Антология, год


xi • Preface (The Phoenix Tree) • essay by Robert H. Boyer and Kenneth J. Zahorski

xii • Metamorphoses (excerpt) • short fiction by Ovid

xiii • Introduction (The Phoenix Tree) • essay by Robert H. Boyer and Kenneth J. Zahorski

3 • The Banished King • (1887) • short story by Frank R. Stockton

15 • Ixion in Heaven • (1833) • novelette by Benjamin Disraeli

45 • The Moon-Slave • (1901) • short story by Barry Pain

54 • The Rose and the Cup • (1916) • short story by Kenneth Morris

73 • The Mistress of Kaer-Mor • short story by Evangeline Walton

88 • The Twilight of the Gods • (1888) • short story by Richard Garnett

111 • The Shield-Maiden • (1909) • short story by Verner Von Heidenstam

124 • The Valley of the Beasts • (1921) • novelette by Algernon Blackwood and Wilfred Wilson [as by Algernon Blackwood]

149 • Witches' Hollow • (1962) • short story by August Derleth and H. P. Lovecraft

167 • The Goose Girl • (1947) • novelette by Eric Linklater

199 • Niña Sol • (1963) • short story by Felix Marti-Ibanez

220 • The Bride of the Man-Horse • (1911) • short story by Lord Dunsany

228 • The Circular Ruins • (1962) • short story by Jorge Luis Borges (trans. of Las ruinas circulares 1940)

237 • The Story of El-ahrairah and the Black Rabbit of Inlé • (1980) • short story by Richard Adams

254 • The Thread • short story by Vera Chapman

269 • Night Rider on a Pale Horse • short story by Galad Elflandsson

Издания: ВСЕ (1)

Издания на иностранных языках:

The Phoenix Tree: An Anthology of Myth Fantasy
1980 г.


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