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Питер Хэйнинг «Eurotunnel: An Illustrated History of the Channel Tunnel Scheme»

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Eurotunnel: An Illustrated History of the Channel Tunnel Scheme

Документальное произведение, год

В произведение входит: по порядкупо годупо рейтингу

  • Proposed Tunnel Between England and France
  • The Origins of the Tunnel
  • Letter from M. Thomé de Gamond to Mr. William Low, in London, August 30th, 1867
  • The Engineers’ First Report
  • An Examination of the Tunnel Plans
  • Proposed Anglo-Gallic Submarine Railway
  • A Submarine Railway Boat
  • Note by a Seasick Traveller
  • A Visit to the French End of the Channel Tunnel
  • Prime Minister Visits Tunnel Workings
  • Memorandum
  • The Channel Tunnel
  • Letters
  • A Reply to Our Opponents
6.22 (18)
5.67 (3)
6.33 (3)
5.67 (3)
6.33 (3)
  • A Speech by the Chairman of the Channel Tunnel Association: September 1966
  • What Will the Tunnel Be Like?
  • Ten Years of Tunnel Progress—Through the Eyes of the Press
  • New Argument for Tunnel
  • Channel Link by Two Tunnels and a Bridge
  • Price Kent Will Pay for Channel Link
  • Tunnel Challenge
  • Green Light for the Tunnel
  • Booking Up for the Chunnel’s First Trip
  • Channel Tunnel Will Get Go-Ahead Soon
  • Channel Tunnel Could be a Burden for Britain
  • There Can Be No Turning Back Now
  • Tunnel Getaway?
  • 1980 Opening for Tunnel Would Cost £366m
  • Chunnel Could Cost £938m

Обозначения:   циклы (сворачиваемые)   циклы, сборники, антологии   романы   повести
рассказы   графические произведения   + примыкающие, не основные части

Издания: ВСЕ (2)

Издания на иностранных языках:

Eurotunnel: An Illustrated History of the Channel Tunnel Scheme
1973 г.
Eurotunnel: An Illustrated History of the Channel Tunnel Scheme
1989 г.


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