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Live Chat With About The Witcher 2

Статья написана 18 марта 2011 г. 13:52

Сайт «Goog Old Games» (магазин цифровой продажи старых игровых проектов, имеет непосредственно отношение к CD Project — разработчикам Ведьмака и Ведьмака 2) приглашает всех, кто сделал предзаказ на The Witcher 2, на «живую» онлайн-прессконфенренцию — сегодня, в 20:00 МСК, на сайте


This Friday, the 18th of March, everyone who's preordered The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings from is invited to a live Q&A with Senior Producer Tomasz Gop, and Head of Marketing & PR for GOG Trevor Longino.

The Q&A will start at 17:00 GMT, and during the presentation we'll be showing some unpublished work-in-progress materials from Geralt's model creation live for the first time ever. Preordering The Witcher 2 on GOG is free — you don't have to pay until you download the game — and you can do so by visiting them at Make sure you preorder by 12:00 noon GMT on the 17th or you'll miss out!

P.S. GOG will award one free classic game to every person whose question is picked to be answered during the Q&A, so be sure to attend for your chance to win a free game.

PS. Если кому-то сильно охота там поучаствовать, но нет желания делать предзаказ, то стучитесь в личку ;)


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